The beginning

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Draft 1

It is just a regular day for Alex. Waking up in all hurry, getting ready and collecting all his stuffs to reach the venue at time. Its been almost a month since he completed his bachelors in medical and now he is a surgeon in a well reputed hospital.
For Alex , life is going with the pace that he alwats dreamt of. Enjoying each and everything he is having currently.

Alex reached hospital entered the hall and started waiting for elevator
The time the gate of elevator opens not of his much amazement he saw Noah, who is already inside. Alex greeted him.

Noah is the son of the CEO of the hospital Alex is working in. Noah often pay visits to look upto the functioning of hospital as per his father's order , who wants him to take over the business as soon as possible.

This is 4th time Alex has got chance to meet and greet Noah face to face.
Although Alex is not much talkative and he is all reserved in himself but his charm and etheral beauty oftenly drag others attention easily.
Noah is with his P.A Lawrence , she is the one chosen by Noah's father to keep him all good.

Alex has got Noah's attention ever since from their first meeting . And it was all because of his reserved personality and how he is all different from everybody. Like everbody who ever bumped Noah deliberately or bychance all of them try to get his attention praising his looks , or just faking the words around him and Noah gets it all .. He knows the real intentions and this is why he hates his position the most. No one is true for him .

Alex reached his floor and on his way out he turned and bowed to Noah who responded with same warmth.
Everytime Alex sees Noah, he just get stunned by his aura and his powerful personality and less to mention his beautiful face and toned body.

Alex entered the OT and got ready for his regualr practices.

Four days later , it was in the evening and Alex is all done as his duty is over now.
He is in the back of the cafeteria sipping his hot coffee. It was chilling cold outside. He laid down his head on the bench and make his eyes shut to gain the calmness the time is giving him amidst all the chaos .
Soon he got in nap and woken up by the presence of other person. He opened his eyes and saw Noah sitting beside him , he found himself leaning on Noah's shoulder. He hurriedly made his body away from Noah and apologised.
And its the fist time their conversation began.
Noah: why are you apologising , I saw you here sitting all alone so I thought to meet you but you were in sleep and I didn't wanted to disturb you but I guess I did (he raised his eyebrows and gave a soft glance with a smile on his face)
Alex: No definitely not. Its alright ( he was still confused as what makes Noah to come to him as for him he is the boss and its completely unusual).
Noah: so how are you doing?
He asked as he wanted to talk more to Alex.
Alex : its all good.
(Noah holds a very strong and confident personality. Its very easy for him to make conversations and all but for Alex he is reserved and a kind of shy person)
Noah: So its gonna off for you tomorrow right?
Alex nodded in agreement
And then Alex said that he is having a plan to visit central theatre and Noah suddenly crossed his word
Noah: Its such a coincidence Lawrence has just now informed me that few of the clients from abroad are also interested in visiting central theatre so tommorow's meeting is scheduled at theatre.
Alex just reacted formally and then he stood up and bowed a little in order to leave
Alex: I ll take your leave now sir!
Noah: you dont need to address me so formally it will be much better if you will call my name.
Alex shaked his head.
And he left the place and Noah too both going in opposite direction
Alex was lost in thoughts about the sudden act of Noah . He was lost in confusion and the feeling when he opened his eyes on the Noah's shoulder was continuously flashbacking making his heart beat faster and faster.

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