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Draft 4

Alex was back from the hospital to his apartment . He threw himself on the empty bed making himself comfortable. He smiled staring at the ceiling of his room. And in next moment analyzing what happened today.
Questioning himself that did he rejected or did he resulted hurting Noah by his cold action and was he awkawrd. His thoughts were driving him crazy.
He said to himself.
Alex: what you have gotten yourself into Alex.

Shaking his head he gotten up and walked to the washroom to take a quick warm bath.

After that he picked some clothes from his wardrobe .
He got dressed and smiled looking himself in the mirror.
The door bell rang wiping his smile he walked to the door just to see Jimmy standing.
Jimmy jumped a little to hover on Alex's shoulder when he turned back.
Jimmy closed the door.
And started chuckling around Alex.
Alex has complete idea behind Jimmy's happiness.
Alex: so how was it yesterday and you didn't even gave the car on time I have to took a cab toady for office.
He said it all in one flow.
Jimmy ignored the rest except the first part of question.
Jimmy: You know what I had only planned for movie but Lisa , damn she asked me for a whole nighout and guess where we both ended.
Jimmy said with a smirk and blush mixed smile.
Alex pinched him on his abs hardly, making him a little scream out of pain.
Alex: And thats why you are still tipsy. You are so drunk. Let me guess you were still celebrating it all.
He said in a taunt tone.
Their nagging continued untill they finished their dinner and jimmy ended sleeping on the couch .
Alex covered him with a blanket making jimmy's head adjusted by pillows and then he too went to his room.
A different kind of dilemma was inside Alex's mind.
And struggling between all those thoughts he fell asleep.
Few days later after thinking it all consciously he decided to meet Noah, who was still waiting for his answer.
Alex texted him about the same and they both decided to meet at Noah's office.
Alex entered the office. There were around 4 people already there and they all were leaving the office as Noah suggestively gave them a glance ordering to leave.
Noah stood up and walked to him closing the door behind.
Alex's heart was pondering as he saw Noah an inch away... He could do nothing but stare Noah's etheral beauty.
Alex broke the silence as he felt Noah even more closer.. He turned to other side not wanting to face him.
Noah: So........
Alex: I am ready.
Noah back hugged him immediately... Alex's eyes widened as he was not expecting it.
Noah: I knew it!!
Alex: how did you?
Noah: I just guessed... Your shyness was speaking well though.
Alex break into a smile listening Noah's words.
Alex: tonight at 7 I'll be waiting for you
Noah nodded his chin still resting on Alex's shoulder.
Alex: I should go now. People are waiting for you outside.
Noah: just 5 more minutes then I ll let you.
Alex stood there in silence.
Alex in his mind: what magic you are doing to me Noah. I haven't had this feeling ever before. This feels so great.. But how can I fall for a man I barely know.. May be this is what they call love at first sight.
Noah: what are you smiling at?
Alex: nothing (shaking his head).
Noah: Go now
Alex: stop hugging me then I ll go.
Noah nodded with a smile.
Alex left the place giving him a smile.

Alex was impatiently waiting for clock to tick to seven as he was off duty from 5.
Around six he went back to apartment to change wearing all black with a trench coat.
Soon he received a text reading "main entrance, first building".
He rushed out.

Noah smiled as he saw Alex outside the building.
He came inside in all rush.
Noah : you shouldnt have rushed.
Alex: I didnt wanted to keep you waiting.
Noah went closer to Alex removing his little wet hair which were wet due to fog outside from his forehead. Alex took a step back.
Alex: people are watching...
Noah: Do you think I care? Come here.
Alex: Noah?
Noah: I dont care for anyone here except you.
Alex's eyes glittered with happiness, for some reason he feel free around Noah
Alex : the fog is all over dont come too closer I dont wanna spoil your expensive clothes.
Said with a smile.
Noah pulled Alex into embrace.
Noah: I dont care if its you.
Alex's heart was beating into his throat. It was all new for him.
Noah: shall we leave?
Alex nodded a bit awkwardly.
Noah: you dont need to hide how are you feeling if you dont like my touch just tell me. i am okay with it.....i am ready to wait.

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