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Draft 5

Its been nearly a week and with each day passing, love was only getting stronger for Alex and Noah.
It was last working day and he was all done with his shift and was ready to leave after texting Noah. Alex entered the elevator not to be surprised Noah was there
alex blushed and gave a bright smile to Noah.
Noah: come with me.
Alex made a questioning face while Noah held his wrist pulling Alex to his office room.

Alex directly walked towards the window being mesmerized by the beauty of the city being seen from there.
Noah lightly back hugged him making Alex gasp with sudden touch.
Alex: what are you doing?
Noah: Let me.....please
Alex let him with a calm smile.
Noah: tomorrow I am going outside the country for 4 days .
Alex tilted his head towards Noah not breaking the hug.
Alex: what?
Noah: yeah.
He said pouting his face.
Alex: stop it ...this is so childish. Its okay you cant put your professional life on stake.
He said with a low voice.
Noah: are you not sad that we ll be apart for 4 whole long days.
Alex: Not too much ..
He said with a smirk.
Noah moved back making a sad face.
Alex pulled his waist making him close .
Noah loves it whenver Alex becomes expressive because generally he dont show much but Noah never minds it all as he can sense Alex's feeling through his eyes.
Alex kept looking into his eyes and when Noah leaned his head to Alex lips he pushed him back.
Alex: Its office Noah.
He said annoyingly.
Noah: so what? I want it.
Alex knows it well that Noah is not gonna levae him until he gets what he wants.
Alex leaned a little and gave a soft peck on his lips.
Noah: Not enough , I want more.
He said in a teasing tone.
Alex pinched him and both giggled and suddenly got disturbed by knock of Lawrence.

Noah: come in.
Alex shifted his body away from Noah.
Lawrence: sir these files need your approval please take a look.
Lawrence greeted Alex and Alex just respond in gesture.
She left leaving files on the table.
Alex: Do your works I should go now.
Noah was not letting him and was teasing him continously.
Alex made his hand free and somehow made his way to the door.
Noah: Alex........
Alex: now what?
Noah: I ll miss you.
Alex: Ill miss you too.
He said closing the door.

These 4 days have been the most long days for Alex as he was somewhere addicted to Noah's presence around him .
He has even barely talked to Noah on calls due to his busy hectic schedules.
With each passing day the longingness was only taking over his head.
He was desperate to see Noah around him.
It was the day Noah was supposed to be back in city but Alex had to wait for next day as he would have to go his home first.

It was around 11 in the night when doorbell rang. alex opened the door thinking it must be Jimmy.
But it was Noah. He was on his cloud nine seeing Noah in front of him . He hugged him tighlty.
Noah: you said you will miss me a bit only.
He said almost laughing.
Alex didnt say anything.
Noah: let me come in atleast.
Alex loosened the grip. And let Noah in.
Alex : you should be home.
Noah: I have told Lawrence to tell them I am with my freinds tonight.
Noah: so did you missed me?
He said teasingly.
Alex hugged him again .
Alex : Yes I did.
Noah's heart was fluttering.
Alex released him.
Alex : go and change till then I will get some soup.
Noah nodded.
He went to Alex's room checking in his wardrobe to get some warm and comfy clothes.
And picking some he went to take a warm bath.
Alex eneterd the room with soup in his hand to give it over to Noah who was out and almost done with clothes.
He picked the tshirt and wore it.
Alex: your abs are something .
He said raising his eybrows a bit with a smile on his face.
Noah took soup from his hand.
Noah: you like it.
Alex nodded.
After half an hour talking to each other they were in each others arms
Noah: Babe... i love you.. There was not a single second in these past 4 days when you were not in my mind.
Alex caressed his finger on Noah's lips looking deep into his eyes.
Alex moved his finger softly all over Noah's lips like he was being doomed into something.
Noah: babe??
They were inches apart..breath hitching....eyes shut...feeling eachother through each breath.
Noah moved closer kissing Alex.
Alex tangled Noah's hair pulling him more closer. Noah softly moved making Alex move back . Noah laid him on bed without breaking the kiss and with each passing second the kiss was getting intense. Noah pulled back hinself and stared in Alex's eyes to confirm if Alex really wants it.
Noah: do you really......
Alex pulled him again kissing more passionately .
They both were breathing heavily and lost in a world where each and every touch was just making them more and more sensitive.

And the whole night they spend within each others embrace enjoying each and every moment the time was blessing them with.

It was in the morning when Alex opened his eyes.
He found himself resting on Noah's chest. He kept looking him. He wanted the time to stop. He just wanted to be in this moment forvever.

Alex: why are you so beautiful.
He said very softly almost taking to himself as rays from window were directly falling on Noah's face making it more shiny. His messed hair was making him more and more etheral.
Alex caressed Noah's hair making him awake.

Noah: you are already up?
He said in a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes.
Alex : I love you Noah till my last breath.
Noah turned to give a peck on Alex's forehead.
Noah: I love you too.
He replied stiil in sleepy voice which made Alex smile.

And for few minutes none of them said anything. Just cuddling in each other's embrace.
Then the silence broke when Noah's phone rang.
He picked up.
Noah: what is it?
Lawrence: Sir you should be home at 10. Your dad is asking for you to attend the family get together.
Noah: okay
He hanged the call.
Alex: get up now.
Noah : just few more minutes..
He said giving a peck on Alex's nape.

And they both got up. It was off for Noah as he had just travelled back. He washed up and got dressed and was ready to leave.
Noah: so I ll be at cafetaria in the evening.
Alex : why ? Its your off today get some rest.
Noah: for you.
He said with a hope to not hear no.
Alex : dont make it too obvious. We can meet somewhere else but not at hospital.
He said sneaking outside the window to see that Noah's car is already down to pick him.
Alex: go now otherwise you will be late..they are already there.
Noah: let me check or its you kicking me out.
He said jokingly.

Alex: Go now otherwise you will just increase trouble for poor Lawrence.
He pushed him towards the door both smiling and laughing together.
Noah turned back hugged him in hurry.
Noah: I love you.
He said kissing Alex' lips.
Alex: I love you too.

And soon Alex saw Noah's car being invisible from his site as he was standing near the window.

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