TROS Re-Written

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Authors Note:
My name is Connor; and I'm a 20 year old college student with a passion for Star Wars. I was one of the many fans with a great distaste to TLJ and after the final trailer dropped for TROS I had very low expectations for the film and I began asking myself; could I write a good Star Wars movie? And this script is the answer to that question. However around 40 pages in I stopped writing because I was still holding out hope that the movie would be good and I wanted to give it a chance. However after leaving the theatre I left disappointed. I felt that TROS wasn't the ending the Skywalker saga deserved and continued this script as a passion project in my free time. So without further ado, this is how I would have written; "The Rise of Skywalker"

(Blue Text) A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (text color slowly changes to red with eerie music)

Int. Snoke's throne room
A ground camera shot reveals the ruins of Snoke's throne room with the former supreme leader's corpse left discarded on the now abandoned mega-class star destroyer with small fires and smoke can still be seen. As an eerie silence falls, dark smoke/mist begins to collect upon the ground as voices (whispers) can be heard which first sound unintelligible.

Int. Snoke's throne room (entrance)
The camera (still a ground shot) captures dark fiery smoke/mist with a small portion of said mist beginning to manifest into a human the figure identity remaining an enigma. The feet begin to walk upon the ground as the whispers can now be heard in quick succession like echoes seemingly trying to talk over one another.

Every choice you have made~ has led you to this~
There is a great disturbance in the force~
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate~
Count Dooku:
Sense great fear in you-
Let the hate flow through you~
The Son of Mortis:
The Hate, the Fury~
Int. Snoke's throne room
As the figure continues to walk he/she continues to take shape from the bottom-up with the camera giving us a close shot of a tightly clinched fist as the figure continues to slowly approach Snoke's Throne. The voices continue to echo, growing in volume and intensity.

-death, I fear~
-more the sith will rule the galaxy~
Count Dooku:
The sith control everything

Anakin Skywalker:
they were like animals~

The Daughter of Mortis:
and I slaughtered them like animals~

With a rear lower camera view the figure finally stops beside the camera forcing the camera focus on the hand with Snoke's corpse and throne going out of focus. The echoes from the past are now almost full volume to the point where they are almost overwhelming.

Darth Vader:
-She was alive, I felt it!-
We're all going to die!
I won't leave you, not this time.
Then you will die~
Luke Ep.6:
Father, please!

With the figure not quite fully taken shape, the figure semi-spreads his/her figures with tiny sparks of force lightning begin to dance between the figure's black gloved fingertips. Red force lightning.

Kylo Ren:
you were the chosen one~
Stop, stop now come back! I love you!
The Son:

CUT TO BLACK (stars appear)
Music: (0:00 -1:24)
A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main title, followed by a rollup, which crawls into infinity

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now