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Hello. I realize that I should probably clean up a few things and make them clear for the lot of you actually reading this. 

Warning. This may contain spoilers.

 So basically Sero didn't actually die rather he just disappeared. As todoroki was walking through the halls a week or so later and found the camera destroyed in a trash can but recognized it to be sero's. He picked it up and the chip that had all of the footage in it was luckily still intact. He ended up buying a new camera so that he could see sero again seeing as him disappearing took a huge tole on his mental state. In the tape that was last seen by todo, sero seemed to be greeting bakugo but it wasn't him, it was toga in disguise. The camera dropped to the floor and he could see that sero was being dragged away by him.

There's a summary or whatever so uh- yeah- 

Thanks for reading muffins 

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