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There I was. Sitting in his dressing room for over an hour. I've started to get irritated and bored waiting for him. I know I love Andy and all but DAMN this is tiring just sitting here just waiting and doing nothing. I finally got up and turned the knob and started to walk out until I bumped into someone extremely hard and fell. "Excuse me" I said. "Wait you're that girl, I told you to wait, sorry I took so long" Andy explained to me. "Umm I have a name,its not girl it's shontell". "woah my bad didn't mean to make you pissed" he said. "I'm not pissed, just irritated". "Why", he asked. "cause Andy biersack had me waiting like he was coming to this room immediately."

"Maybe Andy biersack should make it up to you, I mean it's the least I can do for keeping you waiting this long."

Pounding Hearts ( Andy Biersack BWWM story) Completed !Where stories live. Discover now