Chapter Twenty-Six: Good News

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Mom had a news today. That's what she said as I arrived earlier but she refused to tell me. She said that she will only spill it out if I would change my clothes first and finish my school assignments. So here I am now inside my room, I already changed from school uniform to ordinary loose t-shirt and a pair of my old denim shorts. I've already done with my homework in english and what's left is science.

Ugh! This is one of the most frustating subject ever in school next to math. Gosh, I really hate equations and formulas. They only give me headaches. I'm only good in english and I quite excel on that subject. And also my mom was an english teacher and she really teaches me well on it.

After like twenty minutes, I finally finished my homeworks and I quickly scurried downstairs. I found mom in the kitchen and she was cooking our dinner. I suddenly felt hungry as I smelled the yummy fried chicken and I had this urge to grab a piece and munch it. But I'm sure mom would not allow me unless she finishes her cooking.

"So, Ma, what are you going to tell?" I interrupted her.

"Later, darling." She answered.

Ugh! Why it always have to be later? Why not now?

"Okay." I then sighed in impatient.

I just plopped myself down on the dining chair and watched mom as she cooks.

"Cess? Can you please arrange the table?" Mom ordered.

"Okay, Ma." I stood up and gathered all the plates and utensils needed and set them up on the table.

As soon as mom finished cooking, we started our dinner and we both ate in silence. As always. We still not used to having a conversation during mealtime coz none of us would dare to open up a conversation. Except mom sometimes would ask me about something but mostly she doesn't. Oh, if only I have a complete family so that this table will be filled with happy faces and laughters. But I don't know when we'll going to be complete. I don't know when we'll going to see those missing family members. I don't know if the time for that would really come.

I took a glance at the two remaining chairs. They were always vacant since the day mom bought them in the furniture shop. I know they were being reserved for my sister and father. Ugh, thinking of that man. My blood suddenly heated and boiled up. I won't really allow him to sit on that chair or even to step in our house. He doesn't belong in this family. We are not longing for him. We only need my sister. We don't need him in our life.

But what if I am the only one who's thinking that way? What if my mama still needs him? Like what she said before, she still loves that stranger. Yes, he's a stranger for me. Ugh! If only I can able to stop mom's heart from loving him. But I can't. I can't dictate her and so her heart. So whatever. I just hope she could totally move on now from the pain that brought by yesterday.

After dinner, mom and I went inside the living room. Maybe she would going to tell the news now. And I wonder what kind of news it would be. I hope it's not some sort of bad news. No one wants to hear a bad news, right? We always wanted to hear the opposite. I looked at mom and I saw a glint of happiness spreading across her face. So I have this gut feeling that it would going to be a good one.

"Cess..." She started. "Do you remember the girl we found on facebook? Whom we thought she's your sister?"

I nodded as a response. That girl's image suddenly popped in my head. I have this strong feeling that she's really my sister.

"She's really your sister, Cess." Mom confirmed.

Upon hearing that, I quickly jumped off my seat and scooted closer to mom and took her hands.

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