chapter 16

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"Addison you're fucking with me right?" Nessa asks as all the girls stare at me "I'm not" I say looking down at the floor "how could you only tell us now?" Dixie asks looking at me hurt

"I mean the second anything happened with Noah, Griffin or anybody you were the first person I called" she says eyes starting to tear up "Dixie please don't be mad at me" I say

"I'm not mad, just hurt you wouldnt tell me or any of us" she says taking her eyes off of me "Dix, we promised we wouldn't tell anyone" I say 

"since when does that matter? Bestfriends don't count as anyone" she says "I know!" I yell "that's why I'm telling you now I couldn't hold it in any longer and I felt so terrible all this time not telling any of you" I say as the girls watch me

"well I'm not going to be upset with you, and cause more problems it just hurt me that you don't trust me enough to tell me" she says 

"that's not true, you know that" I say and Dixie laughs "yeah I know I cant stay mad at you forever and how could you not trust me?" she jokes making me laugh

"so open the letter, let's read it" Mads says nudging me "okay let me grab it" I say as I pull the note out of my sweater pocket.

Dear Addison,

Happy birthday to the greatest girl I know. Thank you for everything you have done for me you will forever and always be my best girl. You have made me the happiest, and you have changed me in ways that I could never imagine myself changing. I fucked up, I fucked up really bad and I regret it, I regret everything. My party, the strippers, disrespecting you. I just miss you, but I know that you deserve better than me. You deserve everything and I have hurt you too many times and I don't deserve another chance I know that. I just want you to be happy because I know that's what you need, and I know I'm not the one that needs to be there to make you happy. I hope you find happiness somewhere, I know you will because you make everything so positive and that's what I love about you. Addison I love, I'm still in love with you and I can't imagine the day I won't be but I know that you're better off without me, and I know that I need to be away from you in order for you to be truly happy. I don't want you to feel bad for me, I didnt write this for that I just wanted to write my feelings out and I wanted to let you know how truly sorry I am for everything that happened because I never got the chance to tell you that. I'm also staying sober. I have not drank like that since my birthday, and I will continue to do so until I feel the time is right. I realize what alchol does to me and how much I can lose from it so it's best I take a break from taking advantage of it, because after I lose you now I know it took the best thing in my life. I hope you have a happy birthday Addison, you deserve it. 

Love, Bryce

I read tears pouring out of my eyes "oh my god" I say. The girls just stare at me in awe "I cant believe he wrote something like that" mads says skimming the letter 

"he's still in love with you" Dixie says "was" I correct her "there is no way in hell he got over you like that after fucking him" mads says 

"oh my god, I used him" I say "he was in love with me, and I just was horny and wanted to fuck him" I say still crying

Dixie puts her hands on my shoulders "you don't need to lie to us" she says "lie?" I ask confused "you didn't use him, because you love him too" she says 

I look at the floor. "Addi?" Dixie repeats. "I don't know what to say" I blurt "you don't have to say anything, we know" Dixie says giving me a hug as the rest follow and we create one big group hug

The girls wipe my tears and we eat ice cream. We don't have to talk about it, they know. But the real question is do I?

"I don't know what to do" I say "what do you want to do?" Mads asks "can I even do anything?" I ask. "i'm just going to go and talk to Bryce!" I say getting up

"tell him, how I feel" I say and the girls cheer me on. I walk to my door, and on the outside I see Dylan "Dylan" I say "hey! I just bought my tux, and I wanted to show you" he says with a smile

"oh yeah, uh looks great!" I say as he shows with a smile "okay just wanted to show you, see you later" he says kissing my cheek. 

As Dylan drives away I see Bryce leave Elle's house. I look at him but he doesn't see me. "alright now I'll see you tomorrow" Bryce says as he kisses her lips "you are going to look gorgeous" he says before walking away

He's so drawn to her he doesn't even notice me standing in my doorway right beside. I close the door before he can see me, and the girls are all standing beside me 

They look at me with symapthetic eyes "He really likes her, I can't take that happiness away from him" I say forcing a smile

"yeah" nessa says giving me a squeeze. "let's get some sleep we have a big prom to get to tomorrow!" Mads says making all of us smile

here is the next chapter:)

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