chapter 17

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The day has finally come, prom day. I look in my closet to see the bright black dress.

I still cant get over the letter that Bryce wrote me, I can't get over anything that has happened in the past week. I can not take that happiness Bryce has with Elle, and I really do care for Dylan

I want to see where things go with him, and hopefully Bryce and elle turn out okay too. The girls and I are doing our makeup together, and our hair while the boys are at sway getting ready.

Dylan is not there, and I feel bad but he wouldn't go anyways. We are getting ready at my house so I decided to invite Elle. Which meant we couldn't talk about Bryce, or the letter 

Even better to be honest. "thanks for having me guys" Elle says with a smile on her face as she applies her blush 

She has a gorgeous white dress that fits her whole body nicely, no wonder Bryce likes her. She's stunning, she's a lot skinnier than I am too.

We finish getting ready as we all get into Dixie's car and drive over to sway to meet the boys there. We walk in as the boys see us. 

Bryce's mouth drops and he walks over to us. "wow" he says kissing Elle. He hugs her but his eyes are focused on me. Or maybe not I'm just so nervous and feel awkward around him because of reading the letter

Obviously Dixie can tell because she squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. We say hi to the rest of the boys, and take a bunch of pictures while I wait for Dylan

But, he's late and I'm the only one without a boy beside me in all of the pictures. Elle looks at me "Uhm I'm going to use the washroom" she says with a smile "Addison take my place for a minute" she says 

She's so nice, she makes it so hard to hate her. I stand beside Bryce and he puts his arms around me and we smile for the picture. 

I smirk at him before we all separate and j rod turns on the music. We all dance together before I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Dylan" I mumble "nice of you to finally show up" I say

"I know I'm sorry. I got my suit all wet so I had to borrow one from my dad" he explains. I kiss his cheek "it's okay as long as you're here now" I say pulling his arm so we can dance

The rest of the night everyone is dancing, laughing, drinking. Dylan went outside to take an "air break" with Josh. Seriously though, Dylan doesn't smoke. Only drinks so I'm not worried

I walk upstairs to the bathroom and start to fix my hair when someone comes in, it's Bryce. "sorry sorry!" he shouts closing the door. I laugh and open it again 

"relax, you're good" I say and he comes in "I was just coming to spray some deodorant on" he says opening the drawer. 

"have you drank at all tonight?" I ask him "eh not really" he says "when was the last time you have been drunk?" I ask remerbing what he wrote in the letter 

"oh uhm I'm not sure, why?" he asks "just curious" I lie. So he has been sober all this time. Oh my god. 

"hey when you were cleaning my room did you see this letter?"Bryce asks fear in his eyes "no, sorry. I must have just thrown it out" I lie 

"no it's all good" he says with a sign of relief "it was just something the boys and I were writing, and it was really stupid" he says and I nod

"I'll see you later" Bryce says leaving "yeah, see ya" I mumble before fixing my hair some more. "there you are" I hear Dylan's voice greet me in the bathroom.

"hey" I smile "you look gorgeous tonight" Dylan says making me blush. I kiss his lips. "thank you" I say before I go to open the door but he lightly pushes me back

Dylan locks the door. "uh Dylan" I laugh "come on" he says, I really don't feel like it right now. I try to tell him "really?" he groans "okay, let's go" he says opening the door

We walk back downstairs and dance some more with everyone. I had the best time for the next 3 hours. It was a slow dance and everyone was dancing with their bf/gf. Except for Noah who was dancing with a bottle of vodka

I look at Dixie and she tries her hardest not to laugh. I get close to Dylan and dance with him where my chin is on his shoulder. I see Bryce and Elle doing the same thing behind us

Bryce stares into my eyes, and I feel like I can not breathe. I feel like he's breathing against my neck, and I feel like I'm about to sweat or have an anxiety attack. Dylan can feel me starting to tense up

"you okay?" he asks "yeah, I just need to splash some water on my face" I say pulling away from Dylan, Bryce's eyes still focused on mine. I run upstairs, and I walk into the bathroom

Bryce opens the door behind me, then closes it. "Addison are you okay?" he asks "get out, please get out" I say calmly

"what did I do" he asks concerened "nothing, you did nothing. But I can not breathe when you are looking at me like that. Stop looking at me like that!" I yell

"Addison you think I want to be looking at you? When I am with the most perfect girl ever, she is amazing, gorgous- "Bryce I know, no need to go into detail" I roll my eyes

"anyways" Bryce continues "you think I want to be looking at you? I became happy again after I lost you" he says "I am happy. with elle" he continues

"you were the one that broke it off" he says "because we weren't right for eachother, Bryce you hurt me!" I yell "yes I know and I am sorry. But what did I do now?" he groans

"nothing, you did nothing and that's exactly why I'm mad at you" I say. Bryce stares at me confusion in his eyes "you never stopped loving me?" I ask tears prickling from my eyes

He lets out a breath. "the letter" he mumbles. I look at him "why wouldn't you have given it to me?" I ask "because I know you wouldn't have felt the same!" he yells

"do you know that? do you?!" I yell/ask "yes Addison I do because you were the one to break it off, you were the one that said one more night YOU WERE THE ONE THAT GOT A BOYFRIEND" he yells tears starting to fall from his eyes

"Bryce" I start to say "elle makes me happy" he repeats "I am falling in love with her, and she is perfect for me" he says "perfect" he repeats "I don't need this right now, I don't need you ruining what I have with her I just want to be happy. I know I'm not good enough for you, but I'm good with Elle" he says as tears continue to fall down his face

"just let me be happy" he says sitting on the floor. I sit beside him "I love her Addison" he says and I look at him "if you love her, than be happy with her" I say holding back more tears

"I just wish you would've told me" I say and he looks at me "I just knew you wouldn't feel the same" he mumbles "but I did!" I yell and he looks at me

"you did?" he asks. I nod my head. "Bryce I'm so in love with you, I don't want to be. But I am." I say. Bryce kisses my lips

I look at him. He gets up and locks the door before picking me up and sitting me on the counter as we makeout.

A little more spicy, lmk what you think. 

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