Love Boat

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The Next Day

Jade's POV:

It's the morning of the cruise and after meeting Q last night, I am more anxious today than I was yesterday, but in the best way possible! I can't wait to see him again - even if only from afar. I doubt I'll get to talk to him, being that this is a work trip for the guys, but I'm definitely going to try...

Q's POV:

"Ugh! What time is it?"

It's almost noon, you dope. Time to get up!" Sal responds.

"Ugh!" I groan again.

"Sounds like someone is hungover." Murr mocks.

"Shut up, ferret!" I demand.

"Come on, we have to check out of the hotel, so we can get on the ship before the fans arrive." Joe states.

That's when memories of last night came flooding back to me. I first remembered going out with the guys and having a few too many drinks. Then, I remembered last night's meet-and-greet, where I met the girl with the really pretty smile.

"Jess? No." I thought to myself.

"Jane? Nope."

"JADE!" I finally said, a lot louder than I anticipated.

"What? Who's Jade?" Joe asked me.

"A fan from last night. The one who asked us all to sign her shirt and was forced to look at Sal and Murr's disgusting thighs." I said, with a smirk on my face.

"Hey!" Said Murr, acting insulted. "She asked to see our tattoos."

"I know, I know. Now, C'mon." I said, now in much more of a hurry than I was a minute ago.

time jump - Jade's POV:

We're about a half hour into the cruise and I need a drink. I've never been a fan of beer, but being that I am a fan of Q, I decided to give his beer a try. I don't know if it was just a coincidence, or maybe because it's actually his drink, but the bartender handed me the beer can along with a cup with Q's face on it - not that I'm complaining. Once I take a sip and realize how good this beer actually tastes, I head over to the stage, where the "Sail Away" party with the guys was about to begin. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to get to the front of the stage, just like last night and beyond my wildest dreams, Q winked at me once he laid eyes on me. "Could he possibly remember me from last night?" I wonder.

Q's POV:

"Oh my God, it's her!" I think to myself excitedly as I give her a wink. I can't wait 'til this "party" is over, so I can try to find her. Once the guys and I get off stage, they each head out to start hanging out with the fans, but I only have one fan in mind...

Luckily, she's still in the same spot, so I quickly rush over to her and take her aside so that we're not both mobbed by other fans.

Unlucky for me, however, once we say our "hello's" I see Sal looking at us. It's not that I don't want the guys to see us together, I just want to personally get to know Jade first. "Let's get out of here!" I say, as I quickly grab her hand and guide her to the inside of the ship. It will be more private, with everyone else still out on the main deck.

"Shouldn't you be out there working?" She asks.

"Sure, but considering 3 out of 4 of us are out there, I'm sure no one is missing me at the moment."

I'll be honest, the second I saw Jade, I no longer cared that I am on this ship to work. I wish I could spend every second of this cruise with her. I know that's not possible, but I still want as much time as I can with her.

time jump -

I was lucky enough to have time on my side today. Aside from a few work commitments, I was able to spend most of the day with Jade. We've been out at sea all day, which has given us plenty of time just to talk and get to know more about each other. I was a bit surprised, yet satisfied at how quickly we both felt comfortable opening up to each other. It's almost midnight and although she did invite me to her room, we have done nothing more than talk, and believe it or not, in this moment I could not be happier.

An 'Impractical' Love Story - A Brian Quinn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now