15: Stress

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Hoseok walks me down to my car but presses me against the passenger door gently. "You look really good in this dress sunshine. Those pictures you sent, I was very tempted to call and ask you to skip that dinner and just come here."

"And you would kick your packmates out just to get laid?" I ask playfully

"When it comes to you? I would not hesitate to put them on the curb."

"That's not very nice of you my love."

He chuckles "We both know I wouldn't actually kick them out unless you were in heat. I know they're my packmates..."

"But your omega in heat changes how you feel about them around. At least Namjoon and Yoongi. But even Taehyung and Jungkook would pose a threat to you with me in heat. Only Jimin and Jin wouldn't."

"Correct." He sighs and pecks my lips "I really wish you could stay."

"I wish I could too."

"Are we okay Nari? Like are you having any doubts? Please be honest with me."

"I have my insecurities Hoseok, I can't lie about that. But I don't doubt you or us. I don't doubt now that how we feel is real. So in my mind, yes we're okay." I lean into him more and ghost my lips over his "And, I love you too."

Hoseok pushes his lips against mine but doesn't let us get carried away. "Text me when you get home. And let me know if you have any time to FaceTime this weekend."

I nod "I will. But at least tomorrow I may not be able to."

"That's okay sunshine. You have to get things done. And I already promised you we would basically be living together when the semester is over. I can handle a couple days."

"You better not work yourself too hard at practice. I'll be getting updates from Jimin and Jungkook. You know Jimin won't hesitate to tell on you."

He chuckles "I know he won't. Get going. And don't worry about Minsik or anything he said tonight." He pecks my lips "I love you."

I hum "I love you too."

I go around and get in the car and start it. I wait for Hoseok to step inside his building before I pull away from the curb. I get home and text Hoseok before I shower and change, throwing on just Hoseok's hoodie. I spend about two hours finishing up my photography project and submitting it so that this weekend I can start to focus on my business notes so I can pass my finals. After that I eat a small snack and drink a bottle of water before I get ready to go to bed.


"No that's not right. I need to go over that chapter again." I mumble to myself

"Nari you need to take a break and eat something." Matt says from the kitchen

"Yeah RiRi, don't make me get Naeun to tell on you." Amber chimes

"Guys I'm fine. Not hungry."

"Hungry or not you haven't eaten all day." Jamie comes in and sets a plate in front of me "Eat, breathe for a minute. After you finish we can go over that chapter together."

"Finals start next week I need-"

"You need to eat. I swear to god Nari I will call Hoseok right now." Naeun comes in the room and holds up her phone

"No don't do that he has studying and projects he needs to focus on. Not me."

"Then eat. Just pounding at your books and notes with no breaks will not help you. Your brain needs a break." Jamie pushes the plate towards me.

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