4: 3rd meetings part 2

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"I didn't even know this place existed on campus."

Hoseok nods "Its good and affordable when it comes to college kids on a budget."

"This is counting as the next time. You aren't paying." We go into the sushi restaurant and it's self seating so we find a table.

"No. You can pay the next time we go out for coffee. I invited you out, I'm not letting you pay."

"Hoseok come on thats not fair."

"It is fair when I want to pay. I want to treat you Nari, let me." He gives me a pointed look

I huff "I don't like this."

"Well that's too bad. I won't pay every time but I am paying this time. I invited you when this wasn't planned, it's fair I pay. I'm also older than you."

A waitress brings over 2 regular menus and a sushi menu. Hoseok slides me the sushi menu. "Order whatever you want."

I pick two simple rolls, and normally that's all I get but Hoseok almost glares at me "Nari."

"What? This is what I usually get."


I nod "Promise. Sushi fills me up pretty fast so I normally only get two rolls. The only time I get more is within the few days after my heat because I need more food than what I got while I was in heat."

Hoseok nods "As long as you aren't being selective because I'm paying."

"I'm not."

He picks his own sushi and the waitress takes the sushi menu and sets down our drinks.

"Oh I meant to ask, is there something specific you want me to call you? Like a specific honorific?" I ask Hoseok

He shakes his head "Like I said, we're equals. You can call me whatever you want within reason. I'll tell you if I don't want you to address me a certain way."

"So you don't want me to call you alpha?" I poke the bear a little bit

Hoseok shakes his head "Nope. Again we are equals and I will never hold my subgender above you. You don't have to address me that way unless you want to."

I nod "Okay."

We sit in silence for a few seconds and then Hoseok starts to take a sip of his drink "Wait, do you like being called alpha in bed? Cause I can't say I'd be totally apposed to that."

Hoseok chokes and almost spits out his drink. He coughs a few times and I giggle to myself, wanting that reaction. "Nari."

"Yes?" I try to sound as innocent as possible

"Please don't ask questions like that so suddenly."

"Are you going to answer my question?"

He sighs "I'd rather not right now."

"I will take that as a yes. Information stored for later use, thank you."

"You're going to be a handful aren't you?"

I nod with a smile wiggling in my chair childishly "Most definitely."

"That's fine, my hands are big enough for a mouthy brat." He mumbles almost to himself.

I stop wiggling and gulp, Hoseok looks up and his eyes widen "Oh shit, sorry I-" Hoseok starts

"Hoseok, sniff the air."

Hoseok looks at me confused but does what I say and then he nods in understanding "Oh, good to know." I see gold flecks start to appear in eyes and I force my scent to calm down and smell less aroused.

His Jewl// BTS SOULMATE AU (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now