23: Advice

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"Hey you're back! You still kind of smell like sex." Mark comments as I walk in the cafe

"Well considering it's only been three days since Hoseok spent every hour fucking me into our mattress."

"Dude, you didn't need to say it."

I shrug "You walked right into it sweetheart."

"Nari I'm gonna need you back here for most of the day until we hit rush point."

"Okay. Is that new hire coming in today?"

"Yeah, she's actually been doing great, she can keep up pretty well."

"Good, hopefully you won't need me."

I go in the kitchen with Hyojong and I get started on rolling out cookie dough while Jong starts filling pies and sticking them in the oven.

"So how are things?"

I shrug "I haven't heard anything from the detectives about a trial yet, but they said it could take a little while. They're only going to let me know if I need to testify or not and if I don't they'll let me know the outcome."

"Hopefully she'll get a good amount of time and counciling. She has some serious issues."

I scoff "Tell me about it. Her and Hoseok broke up a year and a half ago, after SHE cheated. And she was the one to call it off, apparently a few months after that Hoseok had a one night stand and she just so happened to show up at his apartment as the hook up was leaving and caused a huge scene and she continued to do it everytime he had a hook up and even harassed the two people he was in a short term relationship with."

"And then she just dropped off the face of the earth for six months?"

"Yeah. No idea why, but not long after Hoseok and I did the temporary mating she showed back up." I shrug "She is nuts but right now she is in jail and that is all I can ask for. Hoseok and I moved, my dad bought me a different car, which I was mad at him for but nothing I can do about it. He even tried to buy Hoseok one but I had to put my foot down on that one."

"I mean it's great he wants to support you guys."

"But it's too much for Hoseok all at once. He feels shitty enough that we live in a nice ass apartment that he can't contribute to at least not bill wise. We decided he would take care of groceries and necessities because that's really all there is but I feel bad. He doesn't feel like he's contributing enough and he feels like he's leaching."

"I'm guessing you keep telling him otherwise."

"Of course and dad has too but I can't change how he feels. He didn't grow up like I did to be nice about it. And he works so hard to make shit money, I know some people but he won't let me help when we graduate and he won't let me help now with an internship. I'm just hoping he takes Namjoon's offer to work for his family when he graduates."

"He has friends who can give him a leg up. I can understand not wanting to feel like you're leaching or cheating but he should take the chance. I'm sure Namjoon wouldn't offer and his family wouldn't agree if he didn't have some semblance of talent."

"Exactly. But like any artist in any field or medium, he is his own worst critic."

"I mean that is normally how it is. Hopefully he takes the opportunity. How are things with you two in general?"

I shrug "Good. We've gotten past him asking before doing literally everything. But now we are at a point where he is kind of resisting me taking care of him in any form. Right after his rut he let me coddle him and love on him but slightly before his rut and yesterday he will not cuddle unless I'm the little spoon in the situation and I'm starting to get irritated. But other than that things are good."

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