2: Caught

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Thursday goes by too slowly. Classes feel like they're never going to end and by the time I get back to the apartment I'm so mentally exhausted that I end up falling asleep on the couch.

Jennie wakes me up with food and hands me my phone "Someone texted you while you were asleep."

I take it from her and check my texts. The text was from Jimin asking if I'm free on Tuesday around 10 am and I tell him I am. We decide to meet at the cafe. I save his number and take the Ramen that Jennie offers me "Thanks."

She nods "No problem, so who was that? You didn't have the number saved. By chance was it your soulmate." She asks with a hint of hope in her voice

I shake my head "Not my soulmate but someone who knows him."

Jennie looks at me confused "What do you mean?"

"I literally ran into this guy yesterday leaving work. And he shared a scent with my soulmate. From what he said and from the scent alone I'm guessing they are pack mates. He insisted he buy me coffee because he felt really bad for knocking me on my ass."

"He sounds nice."

I shrug "I guess."

"You know this mean you'll probably run into your soulmate before you want to right?"

"Yeah I know. I just hope it's not on Tuesday."

"The sooner the better Nari, you know that."

I roll my eyes "I don't need another lecture Jennie."

"I'm not trying to lecture you, but you know the second Naeun finds out you will be lectured."

"I'm aware."

The conversation ends there and when we're done eating I do the dishes before heading to bed.

I wake up to my phone ringing and I groan and grab it "What."

"Damn, so rude. I'm here so get your ass out of bed and let me in." Jae demands

I huff and roll out of bed and go to the front door, swinging it open and walking away, just letting Jae walk in and close the door behind him. "Who pissed in your cheerios?" He asks as he follows me back to my room

"You literally woke me up, fuck off for five minutes."

He sits on the end of my bed while I brush my teeth and change my shirt. I grab a hoodie just in case it's cold in Eric's house. I find my slides and grab my phone charger too. "The stuff Eric asked me to bring is already in the car so let's go."

"Do you want me to drive?"

I shrug and throw my slides on at the door and hand Jae my keys "If you want to actually make it to Eric's."

"Yeah I'm driving."

"Is Jessi gonna be there?"

"As far as I know she will be."

Its over an hour drive to Eric's and we pick up Amber on the way. I end up falling back asleep and Jae wakes me up when we get there.

As soon as we walk through the door and get to the living room I plop face first on Eric's couch and blindly reach for the blanket that normally sits on the back.

"Well hello to you too Nari."

"I'm only here for this couch and food you already know that." My voice comes out muffled due to the fact that I didn't lift my face from the couch.

"I know, but you could at least greet me you asshole."

I just lift my arm up and flip him off "Feed me and I'll consider being nice."

His Jewl// BTS SOULMATE AU (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now