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i woke up and billie was in my arms, this felt oddly nice. She looks so pretty when shes sleeping. alright stop staring before she wakes up and you won't know what to say. its been about 5 minutes and i gotta pee. i slide off the bed tryna make as little noise as possible not wanting her to wake up cause of me.

i finally got out the bed and decided to take a shower and try to look decent since i have company. I put on a dark purple hoodie and white sweats that said 'stop looking at my dick' and black socks with dark purple nike slides.

i just made it out the bathroom and billie was still sleep so i decided to make her some breakfast, but what the fuck do vegans eat. i looked online and saw that they eat seeds, beans, fruit, chips, tofu, and no meat burritos. this is gonna be interesting.

i ended up making bean burritos with fruit on the side with almond milk. This is stupid, i don't even know her like that. it might be stupid but you already made the food. true, oh well lets just get this over with.

I walked up stairs and saw billie on her phone, when she saw me she put her phone down. "good morning" i said walking towards the bed. "morning" she said in a cute little raspy voice. shes cute. stop right now you barely know her. i mean i guess but she is kinda pretty...well very pretty. yo dumbass shes straight. i know i know.

"y/n?" billie said cutting me out my thoughts. "m- my bad, i w- was talking to myself but what did you say" i said stuttering a bit. "its okay, i was just asking how you slept and stuff" she said smiling then taking a bite of her burrito. "oh I slept good, it was actually kinda nice having someone sleep with me" i said eating a strawberry. billie nodded her head.

 "can i ask you something" billie said looking me in the eyes. oh god shes gonna ask about the cuts, you fucking dumbass. see this is what you get for letting people in they start asking questions. "um sure" i said getting anxious so my foot starting shaking and i started biting my nails. billie put her hand on my thigh a little to high. "theres no need to be nervous, i just wanna know why you cut yourself" she said rubbing my leg up and down. that feels good. y/n now is not the time to be horny. 

"Well theres multiple reasons but i guess the main reason is because when i was little i was left at home a lot and there was a lot of stuff i wasnt supposed to touch, and this is around the time i got bullied a lot" i said looking to the side not really wanting to look billie in the eyes right now. "so there was this youtuber i used to watch and he said when he was sad or when he got bullied he would cut his wrist and it would make him feel better, so as a kid i thought it would make me feel better and not be sad, so when my parents left, i got a blade and cut my wrist at first it stinged but then a little later it started feeling good so i kept doing it, until one day i cut a vein and my arm kept bleeding, then a few minutes later i blacked out, thats when i realised i could actually die from that stuff, so i stopped for a bit. But i got back into depression cause i got bullied and i got major anxiety and also my social anxiety, so till that day i kept doing just so i could feel better in a way and i guess feel some type of feelings because my parents didnt give 2 fucks." i explained not realising i was crying until billie started rubbing my back and telling me to breath.

"damn, i honestly cant say nothing to help you with your parents but i do want to let you know you have me to talk to no matter what time it is, ill always respond, so if you need someone call me, if you feel sad call me, if you feel like cutting yourself call me, if you feel like dieing or you just feel bad in anyway just call me ill pick up, BUT you can also call me when your happy or you just wanna talk ill answer no matter what, im here for you y/n" billie said smiling and she seemed like she actually cared. i feel something going off in my stomach, it feels good but i dont know what it is but that okay, because it feels right.

"thank you Billie i honestly thank you so much because no one hasnt cared for me in such a long time, i dont know how long this is gonna last because people always leave but i want this to last for a while because it feels nice and it feels right, you know?" i said smiling at her.

"yea, i get it. Do you mind me asking why you got bullied" billie said. "i told you some of my life story, a little more wouldnt hurt" i said getting prepared for whatever she had to ask. " why was you bullied?" she said looking me dead in the eyes. Welp this is the part when she leaves, her company was nice but i guess everything has to end.

"well because, im intersex, which means im a female with a dick, i mean i could be a dude with boobs, but whatever." im not ready for her company to be gone it was nice, i cant have her to leave, she is the only person that actually made me happy, and now shes gonna go. as i was thinking i couldnt breath. "y/n breath, your having a panic attack, you need to breath" billie said doing breathing motions for me to follow, after a while i felt better and thanked her. 

"so, you havent run off yet, or called me a freak, is there a reason?" i said drinking some water. "i told you already, im not going anywhere, your stuck with me" she said hugging me, i hugged back and wow she is so warm. i like how this feels, i want to be with her forever.

1093 words, im proud of myself, and sorry for not updating sooner, wattpad deleted this twice so i had to write it in one day, which is today. 

how was your week

how has corona been for you?

drink water, eat food, and wear your mask 🙃❤️, love you.

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