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@idonthaveadadheleft this is for you, i literally love your energy 🙃🖤

2 weeks later Y/N POV: 

i had just got out the shower and put on a white shirt, grey sweats, my white af1, i put my hair in a messy bun, and i grabbed my phone, my charger, my bottle water,my house keys and my deodorant. i put it all in my gym bag. i ate a sandwich and was about to go to the gym.

i walked to the gym since its only a 15 minute walk. i took the elevator up the the 7th floor since it was upstairs, which didnt make since, it should be on the bottom floor. once i got to the gym i said hi to the usal people i talk to and started my work out. i took off my shirt so it wouldnt get sweaty. i started with stretches for 10 minutes then i went on to push ups i did 100, i went to sit ups i did 125, then i did 70 pull ups, i took a 5 minute break before i moved on. 

the 5 minute break was over so its time to get back to work, i did 20 bench presses. each side weighing 40, for my last exercise i did 50 oblique crunches, once i was done i knew my body was going to be sore. so i put back on my shirt and headed home.

while i was walking out i accidently bumped into someone, the last person i wanted to see. "my bad" i said trying to walk away before he started something. "ayo watch whe-, y/ln?" he said know looking at me. oh boy. "um yes" i said ready to run home and now regretting that i didnt bring my car.

"oh boy your dead" he said charging his fist at me. my first instinct was to duck so i did. he tripped forward. i giggled, which i didnt mean to cause know he looks mad. "your gonna regret laughing y/ln. he said running towards me. i ran out of the gym, bumping into a few people tryna apologise while running. i pressed the button to go down the elevator, but it was moving to slow. so i went to the stairs. fuck my life. i ran down all 7 flights tryna hurry up and leave. once i opened the doors to leave the stairs, the elevator opened and out came logan. "y/ln get your ass over here" he said walking to me.

i ran out the building tryna get away as far as possible. i heard someone  yell my name but i could care less. he was right behind me, so i tried cutting threw an alley, it was working so far till i came across a gate, a tall metal barb wire gate. i mentally face palmed myself for being so stupid and not staying on the main street with witnesses. i started climbing when someone grabbed my foot. logan. he pulled me down and i hit my head it hurt like hell, but i got back up.

as soon as i got up i got punched in the stomach. but i stayed up "oh, so you think you can just go to the gym bump into me, and think you can get away with it? thats not how this works" he said punching me again, but this time in the face. my lip was bleeding for sure, but i had to defend myself. he was about to punch me again but i dogged it, he tripped forward and i took my chance i pushed him, then punched him 2 in the face. he fell. i kicked him in the stomach and he groaned. i got on the gate and started climbing again. i made it over the fence, i turned and he was getting up again. he looked at me and said 1 word ¨run" best believe i dashed out of there.

i was getting tired after 10 minutes and started walking. no way he still following me. i looked back and didnt see him. ok, only 5 minutes left. i was walking for 2 more minutes when i heard someone running behind me, i looked and there he was running towards. jesus can i get a break. i started running again not really tryna run towards my house because then he would know where i live. i ran for about 5 more minutes, when he wasnt behind me no more. i still ran.

i ran into the street not really thinking what would happen, untill i came to my senses and seen that i was in the street i was about to keep running, but i saw a car going at a pretty fast speed and something told me to stand there so i did waiting for the car to hit me. now it was feet away, i was coming close to the end

hi, i known nothing about exercise lol.

anyways, this chapter is ass, i hate it with a passion.

i love you dont forget to eat, drink water, get some sleep, and take care of your body ❤️

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