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Billie POV:

i was driving around LA, when i saw a girl run across the street. i almost hit her, but she didnt flinch or try to move, she didnt even make any facial expression, it looked like she was running. i got out my car to apologise for almost hitting her. hopefully she doesnt freak out when she sees me.

"omg, im so sorry, are you hurt?" i asked getting out the car. "from you, no, im perfectly fine" she said. then she mumbled to her self but i heard, she said "wish you kinda did hit me tho". is she serious? "are you sure, i can take you to the hospi-" 

"no" she shouted "i mean its fine billie but i have to go, im getting chased, and he was only a few minutes behind me" she said looking at the direction she came from. "you know who i am?" i asked already knowing the answer. "yes, who doesnt, you are a world famous singer" she said looking at me. "then why arent you freaking out" i asked confused since she knew me. "well you are just a person, just a lot of people know you, and you just happen to know how to sing" she said. "well tru-" i was cut off by yelling.

"y/l/n get your ass over hear, you cant get away that fast, you bitch" i heard. then i saw a tall guy around the same height as the girl but he didnt seem to see her, which is weird considering she was really tall. "i hate to bother you but can i please hide in your car i kinda have to hide or get my ass killed" she said looking at him then me. "um, sure, but whats your name" i said walking back to my car and unlocking it. "y/n" she said sitting back.

"well y/n do you mind telling my why your running and why that guy was chasing you" i said buckling up, and driving off. she didnt buckle up so i ask if she could ¨can you buckle up, before i get pulled over¨ i said looking at her then back at the road. ¨i rather fly out this window and die¨ she said more to herself but i heard. ¨huh?¨ i said making sure i heard right ¨um nothing and sure¨ when she lifted her arm i saw cut marks and some looked new. oh no, shes cutting herself. ¨ok, my life is falling apart in front of me but i cant do nothing about it and i was running cause that guy hates me for no reason and makes my life a living hell, and so does the rest of my fucking school, but they could all di- um leave if it was up to me.¨ she said looking out the window. she looked so sad. then she spoke up again ¨sorry for telling you my personal problems that wasnt needed but your just easy to talk to¨ she said about to cry. 

¨dont worry about it, i love helping people out¨ i said looking at her. wow shes so pretty, and very toned. ¨why are you helping me out, you dont even know me¨ she said wiping her face. ¨beacuse everyone needs someone to talk to no matter who they are¨ i said looking back at the road ¨and can i ask you something, you dont have to answer if you dont want to¨ i said looking at her. ¨um sure wassup¨ she said finally loooking at me. ¨why do you cut yourself¨ i said glimpsing over at her. ¨well because i hate my life, its shit, and it doesnt matter im going to be gone soon, theres literally nothing that matters¨ she said thinking about something ¨what about fam-¨ i was cut off. ¨fuck my family they dont care about me never have i only get abused and i dont have friends so i could die and no one would fucking care, its like i have no purpose here, just a useless human being doing nothing on earth¨ she said putting her stuff in her bag. ¨you can turn here and drop me off¨ she said touching the door. ¨um sure but can you please give me your number, i wanna help you¨ i said getting my phone ¨i dont need help¨ she said getting out. ¨ok, but can you please give me your number i wanna talk to you and figure you out¨ i said trying one more time. ¨fine, but i dont know how you gone figure me out when i cant even figure my own self out.¨ she said turning towards me. ¨its 214-555-0000, text me when you get home i guess¨ she said getting out. ¨okay bye¨ i shouted. she put up the peace sign and walked in her house. 

how could such a pretty human be treated so bad. i decided to send her a text already

billie: hey its billie

y/n: hey its y/n, im boutta take a shower text you when i get out. 

billie: ok, text you later

god, i hope she text me back, i wanna get to know her better, and i wanna help her with whats she going threw.

hi , actually kinda like this chapter, lemme know what i can do to make it better 😛🖤

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