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today is December 2nd and i have school today, or should i say hell. i literally go to school get bullied, do my work, which im barely passing, then go home, take a shower, go to sleep. then repeat that everyday.

i took a shower, put on my black hoodie, black pants, and black vans. i could dress nicer but i- nvm it doesnt matter anyway. i dont need to bother people with my problems. i sigh. i grabbed my keys went downstairs and headed out the door not wanting to deal with my dad.

i got in my car and headed to the school. i was in the building walking to my locker when someone called my name, i already knew who it was, the only person who calls my name, my school bully. i didnt wanna do this right now or ever.

"yo y/l/n where you going, you fucking faggot" he said pushing me. "to my locker then class" i said looking at him. were the same height but he is way stronger. "your not going anywhere before you get your ass beat" he said stepping closer to me. ugh fuck my life right now. "paul, ryan, come here yall know what yall gotta do" 2 dudes a bit shorter than him came and grabbed my wrist.

he yelled "everyone out the hallway, or your next" everybody ran out the hallways leaving us 4. no witnesses. "now y/l/n where was we" he said turning back to me. "i was about to go to class but you stopped me" i said looking him dead in the eyes. he didnt say nothing back just punched me in my stomach. im not gonna even lie it hurt like hell, tried holding my stomach but the other guys where holding my wrist. he punched my 7 more times in the stomach then hit me a few times in my face. 

"thats enough" ryan said letting go of my wrist. "yea" paul said letting go of my other wrist. i fell on the floor on held my face because it hurt more than my stomach right now. "did i say we was finished" logan said looking at the guys. "no, but i did, without us you wouldnt even be able to beat up no kids" ryan said stepping closer to logan. "man i dont need you" he said pushing ryan. "try that again and see what happens, and we arent helping you no more" ryan said and paul nodded.

"man, whatever fuck outta here, i dont need yall" he said and the other boys left. i tried get up but was kicked in the ribs and fell to the ground "i didnt say you could leave, im finishing what i started" he say punching me in my arm. he kicked me a few times in the stomach. at this point im boutta pass out from the amount of blood leaving my body. "any last words before you go to sleep y/l/n" he said preparing to kick my face. "yea i do actually" i slurred out cause my mouth was numb." your a bitch" i said sticking up my middle finger with a smile. "fuck you y/l/n" he said and kicked me in my face. i started tasting metal in my mouth so i knew my lips was busted. then a few seconds later my vision became blurry then i passed out.

i woke to people talking "i think shes dead" some one said. "shut the fuck shes breathing you dumb fuck" somebody else said. then i felt i felt someone tapping my shoulder. "hey are, you ok" they said. i grunted in pain when i tried sitting up. "hey,hey take it easy" she said. "ugh, ok" i said holding my stomach, and opening my eyes tryna adjust to the lighting. "whats your name?" she asked "y/n" i said finally sitting up. "your gonna be ok, but you need to get washed up" she said helping me up. i got up and it felt like my stomach was on fire.

we walked to the bathroom. she wiped off my face first. then headed towards my stomach. "can you take off your shirt please" she said looking at me. "uh, yea sure" i said lifting up my shirt exposing my stomach and sports bra. she got a napkin wet it then wiped off my stomach, the water was cold. we got done after about 15 minutes.

"thank you so much" i said giving her a smile. a genuine smile for the first time in a while. "no problem, but do you mind if i asked who did it" she asked. "i dont mind, it was logan" i said. "oh, do you know why" she asked. i didnt wanna really wanna get into why he hated me because i dont even know my damn self. "i would tell you but i dont even know" i said to her as we walked out the bathroom. we was getting stares but i could care less. 

"well i guess ill see you around" i said about to walk away. "wait, can i have your number" she said getting out her phone. "uh, yea, sure" i grabbed her phone took a picture, and put in my contact information. she did the same thing. lia, i read on the phone. "see you later lia" i said walking away. "see you later y/n" she said.

i went threw the rest of my classes like normal and went home. i was expecting to see my dad but the house was empty. there was a note on the fridge that said "i went on a business trip, i wont be back till 3 months, i left you 600$ on the counter, text me if you need more ill cash app you. and dont throw no parties, i would say dont get no one pregnant but who am i kidding who would fuck you lmao. bye" what a bitch i thought to myself, i mean hes not wrong but he didnt have to say it. 

i took a shower and went on with my day, wow no adult for 3 months.


billie will be here soon so dont worry.

love you 


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