"That's My Ticket To The Other Side."

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Sorry for this chapter taking so long. School has been a pain in the a•s. Thank you all for putting up with it! This is short for I was in the car when writing & only had 10 minutes.

The 'Villains' opened their eyes to see a dark room. Midnight tried to move her arms & hands. No use, they were stuck. Mic had his mouth taped shut. "Mmmmf!" Mic hissed. Mount Lady was taped & glued to the floor.

Ectoplasm was just tied up. "Everyone okay?" Mic let out a muffled yes, Mount Lady nodded, & Midnight let out a small yes. He gave a approving nod. "Good... Do any of you know where we are?" Everyone shook their heads.

Izuku opened the door. "Y'all awake?" The 'villains' let out yells, well, one muffled one. "Oh goodie~ You are awake!" He walked over to the 'villains'. "Hello~!" Izuku smiled. "Do you like your room?" The room was dark & had a single poster that said: Never Give Up. Mic let out a muffled curse.

Izuku shook his head. "Tsk tsk tsk. No cursing in my christian minecraft server." Ectoplasm let out a small snicker. "Why are we here?" Izuku beamed. "You lost-" Izuku smirked. "-that's why you're here." The adults looked at one another. Fear pulsing through their veins.

Izuku clapped his hands. "Welp. I have to go. Toodles~!" He waved goodbye and shut the door, locking it behind him. He whistled as he walked down the hallway. It was a building in a blind spot. No camera facing it. It was the perfect place to keep the heroes.

Izuku smirked as he remembered the smell of fear flowing off the 'villains'. He let out a laugh. "What morons!" He let out another small laugh.

He met up with Shouto & Neito, both gave him strange looks for his large smirk. He met with the boys 2 blocks from where he kept the adults. Izuku waved off their questions with answers of 'looking for more villains' or 'I lost track of time'. Izuku smiled at his own intelligence.

Izuku picked up his hero partner, Kage. "Hey beautiful! How you been?" The cat let out a happy purr. Izuku laughed. "I take it, it all went well." The cat dropped a small device in his hand. Izuku smirked.

He placed the small device in his ear. It was an ear piece all the 'villains' wore. Nezu or other team mates could talk to each other with it. Izuku gave the cat pats (ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ). Izuku could hear the adults checking in with each other.

Neito pet the cat. "What's that?" He pointed at Izuku's ear. Izuku smiled. "That's my ticket to the other side."

Heyyyyy- I hoped you liked it!

Any suggestions for next chapter?

Words: 463

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