Setting Up

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(A/n): I am so very sorry! This took so long to write & I made everyone wait. Some things are happening to me in my life & because of that I lost all motivation to write. But I couldn't keep you guys waiting anymore. Thank you for your kindness! Without further ado, the next chapter. Enjoy~ *Will be short*
The students stepped through the large doors, into the fake city. Nervousness circled the crowd like fog. The walked in silence until
Deku spoke, "I know where to go." They all turned to him, surprised. "Really?" Denki felt relief wash over him. They weren't completely lost. Deku nodded, waving his hand in a 'follow me' motion. So, the group did just that.

After a small walk the came apon a warehouse. The walked in. It was on the small side, 2 floors, with many old crates, & few windows. "This is it? Its so small..." Kendo stated. Deku turned to look at the girl. "Yes, we don't need nothing to big, just enough so we don't bump heads." He placed his bag down, pulling out a notebook leaning on a crate, flipping the the pages.

Few looks were sent before everyone started settling in. Uraraka went to Deku, lightly tapping him on the shoulder. He looked up at the brunette. "Hey, Deku-kun?" "Hm?" She titled her head to the side. "How did you know about this place?" Some looked their way, also curious. "After we walked out I took a look around." He then look back at the notebook. She was still slightly confused but nodded, walking to check her stuff.

~Time Skip brought to you by Mwah~

Deku had set up his stuff, on the second floor in the far corner. On a small crate he had his laptop & his hero analysis notebooks. He made his way down the stairs. "Midobro!" Kirishima waved him over. Giving him a pat on the back. "You were right! This place is big enought for all of us!" He smiled with a thumbs up. Deku smiled in return. Deku walked around a bit checking on every one.

Deku made his way towards Uraraka. She grabbed his arm pulling him close. "Im excited!" She squealed, tugging him closer. Iida walked over nodding. "Me as well!" Uraraka was a little to close Deku for comfort.

Monoma caught sight of her actions, causing his eye to twitch. Tesu nugged Monoma's arm wiggling his eyebrows. Earning him a whack on the arm. He then turned to see Uraraka glaring at him. She got one back.

Deku checked the timer: 2:58. He looked up. He walked over to a crate & began to climb it. "We have very little time left. Everyone prepared?" They crowd nodded. Deku jabbed his finger in the direction of the crowd. "Okay. We are going up against Pros, so don't think this will be easy." 30 The group nodded. Deku put his fist in the air. "Do you best & go beyond?" 10 "PLUS ULTRA!" A loud alarm rang out thought the air. The battle has began.

I'm so so so sorry it is this short. But like I said thing are going on in my life draing my motivation, making writing hard. (Words: 539)

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