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Author's Note

I'm so bad at this ahhhhh!! Okay, so this is the prologue to the entire story that's coming real soon make sure to check it out as soon as Chapter 1 is up. Happy reading! :)

*please read, very important for the rest of the story*

"When can I come over to your house?" asks my best friend, Ali.

"Ali, I already told you my mom and dad don't like me bringing friends to our house," I say and her bottom lip sticks out as she pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Well if you don't want to me to come over to your house than I don't wanna be friends with you anymore." She huffs and I look up to her from where I'm sitting in our favorite part of the sandbox.

"Really?" I ask. She nods and walks away. As she does, her flip flops send sand onto my lap and I sigh.

"I can never make friends..." I complain to myself. I usually dread the end of the day but today I want it to be over so I can go home. It's the 2nd week of 6th grade and Ali is the only friend I had made. We call each other best friends. She's usually really nice but she doesn't like when she doesn't get what she wants. My thoughts are interrupted by the bell. The supervisors gather us into a line and Ali makes sure she's the first one so I let people pass me until I'm one of the last ones to get in line. They bring us to the front yard of the school where some parents are already waiting for their kids. As soon as kids start running out of the line to meet their parents, I start walking home. I don't live that far and I'm 12 so my parents decided I could just walk home. They were always busy anyways so I was glad to walk.

I look both ways before running to the other side of the road. I observe my surroundings as I walk along to sidewalk clinging to my school bag. I see an old man stumbling up the sidewalk tiredly so I skip onto the road and wait until he passes me by. I get back onto the sidewalk and as I turn onto my street, a black SUV going easily over the speed limit swerves the corner and almost causes an accident as it changes direction where my street bifurcates with the main road. I stop in my tracks and slowly walk closer to the side of the road as I watch the truck speed away. I started running home scared that they might turn back and come grab me. Once I approach my house I see that the door is swinging open with the wind. I skip up the front steps and the door creaks loudly as I push it widely open. I take a few steps inside and don't see anyone.

"Mom?" I call out as I start to walk up the stairs.

"Dad?" I turn to the left and push my parent's bedroom door open and the breath is ripped out of my lungs. I see two bloody bodies laying on the ground.

"Dad!" I shout as I drop to my knees next to the male body. Their faces are too cut and bloody to even recognize them. I grab his hand and cling to it as tears sting the corners of my eyes.

"Daddy...wake up..." I whisper as a warm tear slips down the side of my face. I turn to my mother's body and lay my head on her bloody shirt.

"Mommy, why aren't you breathing?" I question her, almost expecting an answer. I look around the room to find a phone. I find one by their bed and see the note they put there for me; "in the case of an emergency- call 911" . My shaking hands drop the phone and I choke back tears as I lower myself to pick it up. I dial the number and press the green phone icon. It makes a sound twice before a man picks up and says:

"911, state your emergency."

"MY MOM AND DAD ARE NOT BREATHING!" I shout into the phone.

"Please, calm down little girl. Do you know your address?"


"What is it? We will send an ambulance right away." I nod but realize he doesn't see me.

"Okay, it's 447 Springfield Avenue," I reply.


"New York."

"The ambulance is on its way. What's your name?"

"Lesley Aleeyah Queen," I answer nervously.

"Okay, Lesley. Tell me what exactly you see right now." I look towards the two bodies and start to cry. They both have bullet holes in their heads and the carpet is soaked with fresh blood. My mom's blouse that was previously a cream white is now a crimson red.

"Someone shot both my parents in the head," I say and my lip quivers.

"I need you to stay calm. Do you hear the sirens?" I try to quiet my loud breathing and listen for sirens. It takes a couple minutes but then I hear them off in the distance.

"Yes," I answer quietly.

"The people in the ambulance will help your parents." He says doing his best to sound reassuring. I nod to myself again.

"Okay," I reply. I look back to my parents and notice my mom's wearing her favorite necklace. I leave the phone on the bed as he talks to calm me down. I bend down and hold the pendant in the middle of my palm. I pull it free from her neck and clench my hand into a fist over the necklace. I hear ambulance sirens approach closely and brakes scream as they cease the acceleration of the ambulance. I stick the necklace into my zipper pocket of my Adidas pants and zip it sealed. I run to the back of the house and escape into the backyard by the back door. I cautiously walk with my back to the house as I move towards the street. I see the paramedics and policemen rush into my house and I see it as my opportunity to run across the street. Once I get to the main street I sprint and don't look back. I run as fast as I can and I lose track of time once I pass my favorite restaurant. I decide to stop to take a breath. I look around the car filled parking lot and take a seat on the sidewalk in front of the entrance. I sit and place my elbows on my knees trying to refill my lungs. Suddenly, I hear a car park a couple slots down and I look up towards it. My mouth goes dry and my heart starts beating uncontrollably. I try to move but my body is paralyzed and I'm stuck to the pavement.

A black SUV.

Author's Note

I hope this gets u tiny bit interested in the rest of the story. I promise more action to come and lots of cliffhangers. ;) Thanks for reading!

Gab xxx

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