Part 1

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Aleeya's POV

''This place is so dumb.''I huff as I follow my class through a history museum.

We're in 12th grade for heaven sake, do we really still have to go to stupid museums? I think to myself.

I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time; 11:15. Finally, it's time. I quickly but discreetly turn around and start walking the other way. Away from the crowd of people from my school. I start to speed up as I get to the back exit of the building. I hurry out of the door and see the black Porsche 918 Spyder waiting for me. I smirk and jog to it. I knock on the tinted window of the passenger seat and open the door to slide in. I look over at Teaghan and laugh.

''What's funny?'' She asks and presses on the gas making the engine roar as she speeds away from the museum. '

''That was boringly easy,'' I say and reach for my seat belt to buckle up. She laughs and reaches her hand out and throws a thick envelope on my lap.

''Emptied your bank account like you asked.'' I open the top of the envelope and look in.

''So there's exactly 17 000 in here?'' I ask and she laughs a little nervously.

''Maybe like 17 000 minus 20...'' She says hesitantly as she drives with one hand and twirls a strand of her long blond hair in the other.

''Teagan...'' I whine and she fake pouts.

''I really wanted a smoothie, okay?'' She says and takes a quick left turn.

''Smoothies don't cost 20 bucks,'' I say flatly.

''Well, I kept the change...duh.'' She says then adds an innocent giggle. I roll my eyes and shove the envelope into my black skinny jean's back pocket.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asks glancing at me.

To that, I reply; "New York City."

As soon as the words leave my lips her eyebrows raise to the roof of the car and her foot presses so hard on the break that my neck gives in and lets my head meet the dashboard with a painfully loud sound. I groan and hear Teagan suck in an air of breath.

"What's wrong with New-" I begin to breathe out shakily as I rub my pulsing forehead.

Teaghan cuts me off and says; "I don't like New York." She says plainly and eases her foot onto the gas. I huff and dramatically slam the back of my head into my head rest but immediately regret as I feel pain shoot through the front of my head.

"You shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah... I realize that." I say rolling my eyes.

"Where are we going?" She asks again.

"I already said New Yor-" I don't have time to finish my sentence before I feel another sudden blow to the forehead.

"What's your problem?" I say frustrated and once again rubbing my forehead.

"That's where your parents were murdered, Aleeyah." She says in a pontifical way. I sigh and look out the window. She eases her foot on the gas once again and the car starts moving slowly. 

"You think I don't know that?" I ask her quizzically and she huffs as she clicks her right blinkers on. 

"I know what you think your plan is." 

"Oh really? And what exactly do you think that is?" I ask her cockily. I look at her as we turn onto another unfamiliar street. 

"You think you're gonna go all Nancy Drew and find their killer when you know nothing about it. Aleeya, I'm sorry but you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment. The case went cold years ago. Which means the FBI couldn't even find a lead or any suspects. It's a dead end." She says and glances over at me hesitantly. She stops fiddling with her hair and starts chewing on a perfectly manicured nail. I turn away from her and open the window for some air. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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