Chapter 14

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It didn't take her long to finish her coffee while she read through some of her orientation materials, and when Jo glanced at her watch, it was still about seven minutes before Ryker's class was supposed to let out. She found herself moving slowly to pack up her stuff, then mentally scolded herself. It was silly to try and linger waiting for him, she wasn't even sure why she was doing that. Ryker was just her ride to school, they each had their own classes, and she needed to get a move on if she was going to get there in time with crutches.

Jo firmly zipped her bag shut and flung it over her shoulders. Yep, time to head out. And if she needed to check in with him later about...

Wait, was he her ride home?

Had they actually talked about that? Jo didn't think they had. Ryker had just mentioned picking her up.

Crap. Well, he had given her his number...

Grabbing her crutches, she began making her way toward her own class, which was on the second floor according to the map. It was an English class, something with an American lit focus. Her bag bounced awkwardly against her back as she searched for an elevator. The building had to have one.

Finally, she found it and poked the call button. While she waited, the early period classes let out. There weren't that many people, most likely because early morning classes were terrible. She did note that there were people of all different ages, though the 20 somethings had a very slight majority. Some of the people even looked like high school students. Community college was going to be an all-new experience for her, it seemed.

She took the elevator up by herself, looking at some of the stickers that covered its metal walls. Band stickers, random cartoons, anime, a bunch of stuff that looked like it had been peeled off Hydro Flasks. There was also a strong lavender scent, like someone had dropped a bottle of essential oil.

Ryker's class had technically been pretty short. A forty-five minute wasn't that long; she had had longer classes back in school. Maybe it was some kind of personal study course? Or maybe it was just a short period. Her own class was going to be an hour and a half, which seemed excessive.

Her class wound up being rather lively. Professor Adge, a middle-aged woman in leopard print who really loved Edgar Allan Poe based on how many times she referenced him, seemed actually enthusiastic. More so than Jo would've thought a basic English class professor would've been.

"And there's going to be an art book! Together as a class, you'll do sketches or paintings or whatever you'd like based on one book every two weeks. There's a list you'll be reading from, and I'll know if you've read it before, trust me." The smile, bright and sharp, made it clear that maybe she did have some kind of psychic ability to do just that. Who was Jo to judge? She knew there was some weird stuff out there, so something that she wouldn't have believed a year ago actually seemed plausible.

But nah, she was probably being over dramatic.

When class let out, she got her bag and started out the door, where some of the students had congregated. There was some whispering and giggling as some of them hesitated at the door. One seemed especially reluctant to go out the door, his face a bright red. Jo wondered if some evil staff member was wandering the halls, but when she limped past the group, she found Ryker pacing outside of the room.

"Why'd you leave?" he asked with what could only be called a huff, "You should've waited."

"I was going to be late to class," she said, going past him, her crutches moving quickly. "And while I appreciate the unneeded attention, I don't need an escort."

"I wasn't--" He growled deep in his throat, loud enough for her to hear even a few steps ahead. He came after her, and it took him a split second to catch up with her. "I know. We have different schedules."

"And I have crutches," she said, "And I can get around on my own."

"I know, but--"

"Is he bothering you?" It was a bright, cheerful, vaguely familiar voice, and a second later, Lexi appeared from behind Ryker, her riotous red hair caught up in a big ponytail. She pushed his arm. "She's fine, you can stop looming."

Ryker scowled. "Go away, Lex."

"You first," she said, waving a hand at him. "You're the annoying one here."

"I was making sure she got to class all right," he said.

"She got to class just fine without you," Lexi replied, "C'mon, Jo, let's leave him to sulk in peace."


She tossed him an extremely fake innocent look and headed off toward the elevators. Jo grinned a bit and followed after her. The more she walked, the easier it was to get around with crutches. Still, she planned to be off of them as soon as possible, which would get her out of Ryker's hair.

"He doesn't mean to be overbearing," Lexi said as they waited in front of the elevator, "It's sort of in his blood. Our dad's the same way."

"So you're like that, too?" Jo said, glancing at her.

Lexi laughed. "Huh. Well. Yeah, a little. Sometimes." She put her hands on her hips, her brown bag hanging from one shoulder. "Not as bad as Ryker though."

Jo couldn't hide the slight smirk--so the whole family was overbearing? That must be some kind of household. "Dating must be fun for you," she said, the smirk growing into a grin. The elevator opened and they got in, only a few other people getting in around them. Well, that was one nice thing about crutches. Crowds were generally much nicer to you.

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Try nonexistent," she muttered.

"Even in college?" Jo asked, surprised.

Lexi shrugged, but then gave her a mischievous look. "Well, I just started today..."

"True," Jo agreed.

"But for all you know, I haven't even thought about it," Lexi said, that innocent look returning to her face.

"Um, yeah, don't even know what you're talking about," Jo said, making the gesture to indicate her lips were sealed and she was tossing away the key. The girls' eyes met, both filled with silent laughter, and Jo realized she liked Lexi. She could definitely see her as a friend. But that would mean more Ryker in her life...

Was that a bad thing?

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