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Today is the filming for 'Wow'. After fittings for the wigs and costumes finally we get to see it all together. I have on a sparkly blue crop top with matching capri type leggings and a clear jacket with Dirty Candy in the back. Not going to lie it's kind of itchy, especially the wig.

Walking into the gym set where the rest of Dirty Candy is and see Charlie standing off to the side. He looks over at me and waves. I smile and wave back and walk into the middle of the gym.

"Hey Sawyer." Tori says standing up to talk to me.

"Hey, how's it going?" I ask.

"Good. You ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I laugh as Kenny calls for us to get into our places.

— • —

After a couple of hours it felt like to get the perfect shot we finished. It was now closer to dinner and I just wanted to go to bed. I got my wig off and gave my costume back to Soyon and went back to my trailer to take off my makeup when I here a knock on my door. I get up still using a makeup wipe on my face and see Charlie standing there.

"Hey." He says with a smile.

"Hey. Come in." I tell him and let him in. He goes and sits in the couch as I through away the wipe I was using and grabbed another one just to make sure I got everything off. "So what's up?"

"Just wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat with Owen and I?" He says. and I sit next to him.

"Yeah sure. I'm really in the mood for like, mcdonald's though." I lean back on the couch.

"You read my mind. I want the same thing." He smiles at me.

"Awesome. Let me grab a jacket and some shoes." I get up and slip on my vans and a sweatshirt and follow Charlie to Owen's trailer.

"Hey Owen, are you ready?" Charlie yells knocking on the door.

"Yeah, hold on." Owen yells back and opens the door. "Let's fucking go!" he starts to skip to the car.

Luckily Charlie drove today so at least I know i'll survive the car ride. Owen and I race to see who gets shotgun Charlie walking behind us laughing. I jump on Owens back thinking it could possibly help me. Which it didn't and he still beat me.

"Okay children get in and put your seatbelts on." Charlie says unlocking the car and Owen puts me back on the ground and we get in. Owen grabs the aux and puts on a variety of broadway songs singing them at the top of his lungs with Charlie just shaking his head. I decide to join him in some of them. "The two of you together is a bad combination." Charlie yells over the music as we pull into the mcdonald's parking lot causing Owen and I to laugh.

The three of us walking into the building, looking at the menu when I feel around in my pockets realizing I don't have my wallet on me.

"Shit, I don't have my wallet on me." I say running my hands through my hair.

"It's okay, I'll pay for you." Charlie says.

"Really? Thank you. I'll pay you back." I smile at him.

"No need too. It's like a seven dollar meal."

"Will you pay for mine Charlie?" Owen says smiling.

"No, you have your wallet." Charlie looks at Owen then back at me and smiles.

Owen mumbles something and only Charlie heard it causing him to hit Owen soft enough that it didn't hurt but hard enough that Owen says "Ow, bully." Owen wraps his arms around his stomach and pouts causing both Charlie and I to laugh.

"What did he say that made you hit him?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Nothing. He's just being annoying." Charlie says and puts a hand on my back to push me slightly forward so I can order. Butterflies. That's all I can feel.

After ordering and Owen pouting because Charlie paid for my food and not his we get back in the car to head to their place to eat and watch a movie. I beat Owen for shotgun this time causing him to pout even more.

"Owen how about you can pick the movie." I say to him as Charlie pulls out of the Mcdonald's parking lot.

"You know what that sounds like a deal." Owen reaches his hand out and I shake it.

"This will be one interesting night." Charlie mumbles shaking his head.

— • —

We get to the boys place which is in the same building as mine so when I go back to my place I don't have to go far only the floor below. Owen turns on a horror movie, knowing I hate them he does it anyways. To my luck he turns on Lights Out which in my opinion is more creepy than scary.

I sit in the corner of the 'L' shaped couch with a blanket over my legs and my chicken nuggets in my lap. The movie starts and I hide behind the blanket, pulling it over my head for a majority of the movie because I really hate horror movies, and Owen Patrick Joyner.

"Come on Soy, it's not that bad." Charlie says trying to pull the blanket off me.

"Nope. You can not get the blanket off my head." I tell him trying to kick him which didn't work out in my favor because he ended up grabbing my leg and as I was focused getting my leg out from his grasp he took the blanket away. "Hey, meanie." I cross my arms causing the two boys to chuckle.

"The movie is almost over. Just watch." Owen says. I turn my head back to the screen and shriek and turn and put my face in Charlie's shoulder making him laugh. He puts a hand on my knee to give it a reassuring squeeze.

My face stays in Charlie's shoulder for the last 30 minutes of the movie. "That was awful." I say as the end credits start.

"You didn't give it a chance." Owen says pointing towards the TV. "You hide the whole time. Even with out a blanket and Charlie, you let her use you." He squints at Charlie and shakes his head.

Charlie just shrugs his shoulders. "Can't stop her from doing anything." Charlie says.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. Goodnight you goons." Owen gets up and heads to his bedroom.

"Night O, love you." I tell him smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, love you too" He closes the door to is room.

Charlie and I laugh and I turn to face him. "Do you want to turn in for the night too?" I ask.

"I probably should. We have an early call time." He says.

"Oh fun." I stand up from the couch and Charlie follows and wraps his arms around my waist. Mine go around his neck. "Thanks for having me over." I tell him in a whisper,

"Anytime. You're better company than Owen." He says making me laugh. I pull away from the hug and go and grab my shoes and slip them on.

"See you tomorrow." I tell him.

"Bye Sawyer."

— • —
i hope you enjoyed!

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