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Odessa and Siete were in the elevator going to their new home and new roommate. Now standing in front of apartment 2C, Odessa moved forward and knocked on the door. NOt even a minute later a tall blonde girl opened the door.

"Hi, Im Flora, Nice to meet you."

"Im Odessa."


The older Blonde let them into their new home. "Ok so this is the kitchen, living room. Then over here is my room and bathroom then across here is your two rooms and bathroom."

"I'll leave you two to unpack and get settled in, then we can get to know each other."

" Sounds fun." Siete replied while Odessa nodded.


Once the two girls had unpacked their things they went to the living room to see Flora on her phone waiting for them.

When Flora sat up she asked "Ok first things first what is your sexuality and preferred pronouns?"

"Um I'm pansexual and polyamory and my pronouns are she/her."

"Lesbain and she/they. You?"

"I am Straight and She/her." Flora replies

"Have you met your soulmate yet?" Odessa asks

"I have his name is Logan."

"Have you?"

"No Neither of us have." Siete responds.

After Hours of getting to know absolutely everything about each other they all head to bed.


In the morning the three girls decided to go out to the mall to get some decorations for their apartment and anything else they would need like food. After getting breakfast they headed to the stores.

"Ok so we need food, decorations, and anything else we would want." Odessa said from the back of the car.


"Then once we are done we can get lunch." Flora suggested.

"Sounds good."


Odessa POV

"Ok so imagine there are multiple versions of earth. Um. One where the n@z! Won WW2. One where kennedy was never assassinated."

"Well what about one where we're all evil?" Flora asks.

"They are probably really boring. Uhh. So all of these earth occupied the same place in space but they vibrate at a different frequency so they don't see one another. But in events where you could go fast enough then it's possibly to open like a brech and then travel between worlds."

"But how could you travel that fast?"Siete says.

"Well take Quicksilver for example take his speed but multiply that times 3 and then boom. You're there." I finished explaining. While we were waiting on our sandwiches at Delmar's Deli Grocery.

"So you're saying that there could be multiple versions of us but on the same but different earth?" Flora asked confusedly.

"Yes that exactly. And maybe if someone like Tony Stark could figure out a speed to get there." I replied.

When we got our sandwiches and at doen we started talking again. I felt one of my marks start to tingle. I looked up to see a cute young boy walk through the door. Apparently Mr. Delmar knew him. While he ordered he looked back and pointed at me. I quickly diverted my attention to the conversation.

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