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Third Person POV
(across the park)

"Hey Morgan do you want some ice cream?" Tony asks, turning to look back at his daughter who was no longer there.

"Has anyone seen Morgan?" He asks the group.

"She's Missing?!" Pepper half yells.

"She was right behind me then boom she's gone." The billionaire explained to his wife.


Morgans POV
(before she went over to Odessa)

Today daddy said we would go to the park and split up to see if she was there. I went with Mommy, Daddy, Steve, Natasha, Bucky, and Clint. Everyone else went somewhere else in the park. They said their mark had been burning when we had pulled up.

I was looking around the park when I spotted a girl with brown hair and green eyes. She looked kinda like the girl from the picture. I decided instead of telling them that I see her I would do something else.

So I had snuck away from daddy and went up to her.

"6" I heard her say to one of her friends.

I tugged on her pants to get her attention.

"Hey what's wrong?" She ask, leaning down.

"I-I cant f-find my m-mommy and d-daddy." I fake cried.

"We can help you find them." A blonde lady says leaning down as well.

"T-thank you."

She picked me up and placed me on her hip.

"What's your name, cutie?" A lady with cute hair asks.


"Well I'm Odessa, that's Siete," she points at the lady with the good hair. "And that's Flora." Pointing at the blonde girl.

"I like your hair." I said will pointing a Siete.

"Thanks sugar."

We had started walking around the park looking for my parents.


Odessa POV

We were walking around the park looking for Morgan's parents and those six marks started to burn a lot more than they were. Flora had noticed that they were burning more and told Siete and they were both getting so excited.

"Are you ok?" Morgan asked.

"Oh yeah my back is just itching." I responded casually. For a second I actually thought I saw her smirk at me. I am probably just seeing things. Nope she definitely smirked at me. Now she's giggling.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing" she returns still giggling.

"Sure, ok do you see your family anywhere?" I questioned the giggling 7 year old girl.

"Umm ........... yeah over there with the 2 blondes and a red head." Morgan responded. I looked over to were she was pointing and immediately felt the burn get the worst it's ever been. Along with Peter from the deli, Tony Stark, Pepper Pots, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers.

"What's the matter? You feeling the burning." Morgan says smirking.

"You knew about this? Did they plan this?" I asked already knowing that they were all my soulmates.

"Nope. I was looking around the park when I saw you. And I was like She looks kinda like the girl in the picture. The. I decided instead of telling them that I see you I would do something else. So I had snuck away from my daddy and went up to you. Then here we are."

"Ok why is she smarter than me?" Flora asks. Morgan just smiles innocently.

"What so your Morgan Stark." Siete says totally ignoring Flora.


She looks back at me. "You ready to meet them?" "What no I am not prepared for this."

"To bad, DADDY, MOMMY!!" She screams while waving her arms around.


Authors note

Featuring Morgan the actress. Thank you so much for 500+ reads. I know it's. Not much but it's big for me. And thanks for voting. Love you all!! I will also be putting memes or like album covers like that trend on tiktok for the starting image so yeah if you want a certain person for the album cover just let me know.


654 words

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