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Third Person POV


The group of heroes snapped their heads over to where they heard the girl scream only to find a beautiful girl standing there holding her. They could help but stare at her. She couldn't either. Odessa looked at the beautiful Strawberry blonde woman first. She had blue eyes, a good bone structure, and radiated power along with the other woman. Once Pepper had made Eye contact with the young lady all the burning on her forearm went away. Same with the mark on her hip bone. Next was a man who you could tell was morgan's father. He had on these blue glasses that looked like he was talking to them. The same feeling went through them when they made eye contact. While she was looking at him, he was getting F.R.I.D.A.Y. to do a facial match on the girl's face to make sure she is the one. Then, There was a huge blonde man who had perfect teeth, a beard which made him look older, with a hat and glasses. Steve looked at the girl in total admiration. He was so happy to have finally found his other soulmate. Then standing next Steve was bucky, of course she knew this, He was in shock mostly because he thought she would be scared of his arm - Which was most definitely her favorite part already - and what if she didn't want him or Steve. Natasha Romanoff is one of the most badass, beautiful women she has ever seen. With Vibrant red hair and deep green eyes and a soft smile on her face. Then There was Peter who she had kinda met at the deli if you count all the screaming her friends did.

"Holy Shit." The blonde super soldier muttered

"For gosh sakes watch your Language." Tony scolded jokingly.

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y. Tell the others we found her."   "Of course, Boss."
Morgan had gotten out of Odessa's arms and grabbed her hand and dragged her over to her parents.


(At all different places at the park)

"Miss. Devero has been found at the fountain."


Odessa's heart was beating out of her chest. She was about to meet her soulmates and apparently they all knew each other. The four girls were weaving in and out of people to get over to the group. When they started getting closer she noticed more people walking towards her and the group from across the park.

Once Odessa got to the group of heroes she froze, so did all the group in front of her, while Morgan went over to her dad.

Her heart was beating so fast that the two super soldiers and the spider boy could hear it. Not to mention she looked like a tomato.

Behind her was Siete and Flora absolutely loving how flustered she was.

Black Widow was the first to snap out of the trance that was Odessa Devero. Stepping up to her she held out her had to shake the younger girls hand.

"Natasha Romanoff, nice to finally meet you кукла." (Doll)

"Uhh..I-I'm Odessa, nice to meet you too." She stuttered out shaking her hand.

"Steve Rodgers ma'am and this is Bucky Barnes." The tall muscular blonde said point to his equally muscular boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you, маленький голубь."(Little Dove) The metal armed man said.

"Of course you know who I am— Ow Pepper don't hit me."

"I'm so sorry about him, Virginia Potts," — "Stark actually" "Would you shut up."

"Sorry as I was saying you can call me Pepper."

"What I was going to say after I was rudely hit in the head I'm Tony Stark."

"I'm Odessa," she repeated. "And this is Siete and Flora."

"Hey you guys were the one who screamed at me at Mr delmars." Peter said while the adults looked at him. "S-sorry, Peter Parker." He waved shyly to the girl.

"Hi, Peter."

"Ok, so you still have to meet everyone else,"

"Wait, how do you know that I have other soulmates."

"Long story short we all found out we have one of the same marks."

"We?" Flora questioned

"The rest of the avengers, silly." Morgan answered.

"Right, when would this happen."

"You could come over for dinner tonight, you guys too." Bucky offered.

"Great Idea Manchurian Candidate, F.R.I.D.A.Y tell the team that we will have dinner at 8:00 and add Odessa, Siete, and Floras faces to the tower." Tony told his A.I.

"That alright with you princess?"

All of these names were making her weak at the knees.

"Yeah that's good with us." She responded.

"Can Ned come and Harley oh and Cassie?" Peter asked. "Yeah sure F.R.I.D.A.Y tell them too and tell Agent Hill to come."

"On it boss."

"I can come to right?" The mini Stark asked.

"Of course pumpkin."

"Boss Fury wants you all back at the tower in 10."

"Ok tell him to give us second."

"Well we need to go see you soon by princess."

"Bye кукла." The red headed assassin said while kissing the crown of her head.

"Bye." Odessa responsed.

"Good bye hun, come on queens." Steve said.

"Bye Dessi," the younger boy said.

Blushing at the nickname she said bye to him, Pepper, and Morgan.

"See you tonight, маленький голубь." Bucky stated.

"Goodbye Bucky." She nodded.

After they were all gone she turned around to face her two grinning friends.

"Ok we need to get you home and dressed because you cannot go looking like that."


Authors note

I am so so so sorry for note updating this sooner but I was so scared to make her meet them because I wanted you guys to like it and thank you so so so much for 1.5k reads never thought I would even get that much but i have so much Planned for when the do start to know each other more and all that jazz and I think I am going to add a new character and they might have like powers becuase it would tie into what I'm thinking so yeah

But anyways here's Tom being so cute

On a totally different note I START SCHOOL TOMORROW AND I AM SO NERVOUS But anyways here's Tom being so cute

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1035 words

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