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At their apartment

"Ok so I say we go to your closet and you just give us a fashion show and we choose which ones we like the best ten go from there since we have 4 hours until we need to get there." Siete said.

"What about what you guys, What will you wear?" Odessa asked.

"It doesn't matter what we wear, it's you who is meeting all of their soulmates." Flora responds. "Now time for a fashion show."


The first outfit was White jeans with a belt And brown sweater. "Ok this is the first outfit." Odessa said while walking out of her room. "Nice give us a twirl." "Okay not bad but we might not want to go with white pants unless you get something on them." Siete said "Ok good these things are so tight." Next was a plaid skirt with a v-neck sweater. That she did not like at all. Then was caramel brown silk looking pants with a matching shirt with a thick flannel like jacket over it. She was already sweating just by walking out of her room. Finally was grayish suit pants with a brown button down sweater with a cream trench coat. "I really like this one." she stated  while walking out of her room.

"Oh my gosh yes, you look so cute. Ok that's the one you're wearing that outfit." Flora said.

"Agreed." Siete added.

"Ok so at 5:30 we will all start getting ready." The green eyed girl suggested.

Avengers tower

(After talking with Fury)

"What are we going to eat? What are we going to do?" Shuri stressed.

"I can make dessert." Wanda offered equally as stressed.

"Some of us *cough* me *cough* cant eat." Vision stated.

"Calm down. We will figure it out." T'challa reassured while trying to spot Peitro since he was speeding around from nerves.

"Yeah will be fine." Clint said while sticking his foot out and tripping Peitro who looked at him with a scowl. "What, you didn't see that coming?" He smirked at the younger man. "старая птица." (old bird) He muttered under his breath.

"Ok this is what we will do. Stark you order italian everything, even vegetarian or vegan options because we don't know what they like. Wanda you make dessert, like cannolis or something. And get wine. The rest of us start cleaning everything, the kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom. Everything." Valkyrie ordered.

"Then once everything is finished get dressed something semi-formal. No Asgardian things. Groot you clean yourself up to. Same with you rocket." Nebula added to the list.

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

"Me and Ned are going to head home and get ready we will be back soon." MJ said.

"Alright, be safe." Steve told them. "We will."


(After everything is clean)

"Food should be here in one hour." Tony said.

"Okay that leaves enough time for all of us to shower and get dressed." Loki responded.

"Ok if the food gets here any earlier we Ned and MJ will be here to get it." Peter Parker responds.

Once everyone was read and dressed they set the food up on the 40 person dinner table. It was 7:30. 30 minutes till they would meet their soulmate. Everyone was nervous.

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