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"Birdie where is my jacket?" Anna yelled and I smiled under the cover." I don't know" i said and she walked over to me. It was quiet for two seconds before she ripped the covers off me." ahh Anna you scared me" i said holding my heart." did i hurt you?" she said worried." no you just scared to living Jesus out of me" I said and she hugged me." now can I have my jacket?" she said pointing to her light blue jacket I was wearing." noo it's comfortable" i said hugging it." well I need it" she said." why?" i said raising my eyebrows." me and Sab are going to In and Out" she said and I rolled my eyes." of course you and Sab" i said getting up." where are you going?" she asked as I took the jacket off and threw it at her. I started tearing up because her and Sab are always together. I barely see my girlfriend anymore. I see their tiktoks and I am so scared of losing boon. MY BOON NOT SAB'S." hey what's up" Madi said and I walked into the kitchen." nothing" i said shivering. She passed me her jacket." thank you" I said." so what happened?" she asked hugging me." Sab and Anna are so close and I can't lose her. She's my everything" I said crying again." baby" i heard the sweetest voice say. Anna." Baby what's wrong?" Anna said touching my shoulder." get off of me go talk to Sab" i said and she looked at me with the sweetest eyes." no baby. i want you not Sab. Sure she's pretty but she is nowhere as pretty as you. i mean she's a little flat and you are just so everything" she said as i laughed." there is that beautiful laugh I love" she said wiping my tears." i was so scared I was gonna lose you boon" i said." no Birdie you have me forever and ever" she said picking me up bridal style." wanna watch Frozen 2?" she asked and I nodded." ok let's go" she said as I cuddled to MY boon's chest. " hey i heard that Anna" Sab yelled as we walked past her room." hey i'm so sorry Y/N. i don't want Anna" she said and I noticed Coop was in there." hey ugly" i said and he flipped me off." love you more. you're my favourite cousin" i said and Anna closed the door." now how bout we go watch that movie?" she said running to the room. Well we didn't watch the movie but it was a longgg night.

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