𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨~ 𝙆.𝙋

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Karina's POV

Ring. Ring

I heard the most irritating noise ever as I tried to turn it off. I probably smacked it 30 times before it actually stopped.

"Y/N?" i said confused on where she had gone. We fell asleep next to each other last night and now she's gone.

Me and Y/N aren't dating but I have the biggest crush on her. I think she likes Devvy which i understand because Dev is so much prettier than me and and she also has the best sense of humour.

" good morning girlies" i said walking into the living at JAH.

" good morning K" Anna said looking up from her phone.

" good morning Karina" Devvy said and i just nodded.

" are you mad at me?" Devvy asked and I shook my head.

" no devvy" i lied not trying to create drama.

"guess who?" i heard as someone put there hands on my eyes.

I knew it was Y/N right away from the cologne, her rings, and her hot voice.

"um Sab" i said in a sarcastic tone.

" no you're wrong sorry" she said spinning me around.

" good morning princess" she said hugging me.

" where did you go this morning?" i asked as we sat on the couch.

" basketball practice. Coach called one at 12 am yesterday" she said.

Y/N is one of the best basketball players at UCLA and she plans on going professional. It's even a dream of hers to be in the NBA plus she has the skills and height.

" oh that sucks. i missed you" i said and she got up.

" i'll be right back" she said running to the kitchen as i looked at the girls confused.

Anna and Devvy shrugged as Y/N came

" i got you guys breakfast" she said handing us all a starbucks bag.

" you didn't have to" Anna said and Y/N shrugged.

" i seen starbucks on the way back and wanted something so I grabbed everyone something" she said sitting next to me.

"  thanks Y/N" devvy said.

Y/N just winked at her and that hurt. I mean she was just flirting with me and now she's winking at Dev.

" i'll be back" i said grabbing my food and going upstairs.

I kinda thought Y/N would come after me but I never seen her so I looked back.

In the 12 seconds it took for me to get up, she was already cuddling Devvy. I felt the tears coming out my eyes as I ran upstairs.

Y/N's POV ( 3 days Later)

" ayo Y/N. pass me a white claw" Bryce said as I walked near the cooler.

"here" i said as i threw it to him and walked inside.

" hey K" I said noticing the beautiful girl in the kitchen.

It's been 3 days since she's talked to me and I have no clue why.

" oh hey Y/N" she said grabbing her cereal and tried to walk away.

" no Karina sit. we need to talk" i said and she kept walking.

" stop Y/N" she said as i picked her up and sat her on the counter.

" now why are you mad me?" i said as she put her hands on my neck.

" i'm not mad" she said looking away.

I moved her face with my finger so she was looking at me.

" yes you are and i want to know why" i said.

"do you like Devvy?" she asked me and i was so confused.

" nah. she likes my brother anyway" I said.

" do you have a crush?" she asked me and I nodded.

" and who is it?" she said and i just wanted to slap her.

"it's you Karina" i said deciding to get it over with.

"wait what?" she said and I kissed her.

" Y/N" she said as we separated to breathe.

" i thought you liked Devvy. why didn't you say you had a crush on me?" she said and i sighed.

" well first, i thought you and Brad were a thing and second you said you didn't want a relationship" I said and she hugged me.

" i never liked brad and I said that for a video" she said and I kissed her again.

" how about we finish this upstairs?" i said winking and she nodded blushing.

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