insecure {AG.M}

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"hey" my best friend Faith said walking up to me." where is your girl?" she asked and i smiled. Me and AG have been dating since 8th grade. We met in 2nd grade when she moved out here." um at basketball practice"I said closing my locker. "hmm I heard the cheerleaders are practicing inside today since the game is today" she said and I shrugged." and?" I asked.
"they are probably all over AG and I don't wanna have to beat anybody's behinds because they are on your girl" she said." then come on lets go" I said walking to the gym. I've always been insecure of the cheerleaders because they're all so hot. Many of them are bisexuals or "spicy straights" as they call themselves. I am like the normal weight for a 17 year old or a little over, but all the cheerleaders weigh less than a 12 year old. I also never show off a lot of my body and they wear are crop tops and short skirts." we're here" Faith said and I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked around for AG as Faith went to talk to her "boy toy". " AG you are so funny" I heard my enemy Jenna say. She tried to make AG cheat with her when we were best friends." y'know you look hot today" she said and I stopped to hear AG's response." yeah cool you too" she said mono toned." hey gals" I said walking in. " guys why is there an elephant in here?" Jenna said and everyone but AG laughed." you know AG you could have all this but you chose to have ALL that" Jenna said looking me up and down. Before AG could say anything, the couch came in." come on girls lets go" she said and they all ran out." look fattie. AG doesn't want you ok. She's famous now and she said she could never be seen with you. If I was you, I would just go before you get hurt" she said walking out. I started tearing up because she was right. AG would never want to be seen with me. I grabbed my bag and ran out before the game started.


"has anyone seen y/n?" i asked and everybody shrugged. I sat on the bench rubbing my temples. Between Jenna's annoying A$$ and my baby not being here, I had a bad headache." hey whats up cutie?" Jenna said sitting next to me." Jenna not now please" I said and she put her hand on my thigh." you look stressed" she said and I looked at her." i wonder why" I said pushing her away and walking to Faith." hey do you know where Y/N is?" I asked Faith." nope she went into the locker room and then she never came out" she said eating a hot dog." coach are you gonna put me in anymore?" I asked running up to her." nah. there is only 5 minutes left and this group is doing well" she said." can I leave early then?" I asked and she nodded." thanks" I said dabbing her up and running to the locker room. As I grabbed my backpack, a note fell out.


If you found this note, I hope you won. I left the game early because I realized something. I don't deserve you Anna. I mean you should be with Jenna or something. I'm not pretty enough or skinny enough for you. I left the promise ring you gave me. Please don't come looking for me. We're done

I started crying as I read the note. I ran out the locker room ignoring Jenna's irritating behind. As I pulled up to Y/N's house, I seen her car." Y/N please answer" I yelled knocking on the door." go away Anna" she screamed." no. please let me in" I yelled and she came to the door.

" yes AG" she said and I looked her up and down

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" yes AG" she said and I looked her up and down. How did Y/N not see her beauty? I mean damn I am so lucky." can we talk baby?" I said and she nodded." put this back on please" I said putting the ring back on her." why?" I said." why what?" she asked." this" I said grabbing the letter." i mean everything I said was true. You are a beautiful girl AG and I'm blah" she said crying." no baby you're beautiful. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N you are the most perfect girl I have every seen. I admit to being a simp for you" I said and she laughed. I picked her up bridal style and walked to her room." look in this mirror" I said putting her down." what don't you like?" I asked hugging her from behind ." well my thighs are too big-" she started." no they are perfect and I can put so many hickies on them. but continue" I said and she blushed." and my thighs has stretch marks" she said and I shook my head." I love holding on those stretch marks when you ride my face but continue" I said and she laughed." my stomach is too big" she said." it's gonna hold my children one day and it looks so sexy in crop tops" I said and we continued this until Y/N was red as a tomato." baby you are perfect to me and all those things never have to be change. I never wanna hear you say bad stuff because we will do this every time" I said kissing her forehead." lets bake cookies" I said and she nodded running downstairs. I can not wait to marry this woman.

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