Chapter Two

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      Day one of Jack's new life and it went horribly wrong. So him and two other people were to be used as subjects for an experiment involving a stone statue known as "SCP-173". It's object class was keter so Jack assumed it wasn't going to be a very pleasant experiment.
I wish I could spend more time with 999, gotta be my favorite, Jack thought to himself. He absolutely loved SCP-999, aka "The Tickle Monster". Something about it just filled Jack with cheer, even though he felt like shit every day.
(I gotta admit, Jackie. I may be a murderous psychopath, but that little critter fills me with a joyous spirit.)
Even Mr. Bleed loved the Tickle Monster. Now Jack stood in front of the giant steel doors to the containment room of the presumed murderous statue.
Ugh, this is gonna be boring, Jack wasn't excited for any experiments. Hell, why would he be? They all ended in pain and misery. Jack, being the immortal son of a bitch he is, suffers the most. He refuses to let Mr. Bleed come out and just endures all the pain of the experiments while watching the other D-Class personnel that he actually got close to die right in front of him. Not these two though, he hated both and especially one of them. Johnny Dillinger and Matthew Morse, the other two personnel, stood next to Jack and prepared for the experiment. Johnny was terrified of Jack, especially since he knew who he was and what he done. That'll teach him the consequences of murdering loved ones. Matthew Morse knew nothing of Jack except that he was just another dead man walking. Matthew was a prick.
"The door will open in a few seconds," the guard at the panel announced, "Once it opens, you three will enter. Maintain eye contact with the statue or you won't come out of there alive," Jack snickered at that statement, "The D-Class personnel entering the room is D-173, D-269, and D-452," The Guard intended that to the scientists, at least, that's what they looked like, sitting behind the pane glass windows. They looked like shadows watching their owner walk while they stood behind following them. The door opened with a loud metallic drone to it. The three entered the room and Jack instantly locked on. The other two looked at it, but with less fixation. The door closed with the same metallic drone as it had when it opened. They were locked in.
The guard's voice came up on an announcer.
"The experiment has begun. You will be in their for approximately three minutes,"
"Oh, bloody hell. I have to stare at the stupid statue for three minutes? God forbid the innocence," Matthew said with his usual rudeness in his tone. Matthew looked to be twenty something but sounded like he was forty.
"I'm nervous about this," Johnny said, his voice as shaky as can be. Jack stayed silent and stared at the statue. It was uncomfortable to look at. It's little stubs that looked to be arms sticking out as if supporting itself on the wall. The green circles that looked like eyes and that disturbing smile it has painted on its face. There's even a giant black mark on the backside of it. The head, well, what was assumed to be a head, was looking directly at its new victims. It seemed to be watching them, as if waiting for them to mess up and to go in for the kill. After what seemed like a three minutes, Matthew yelled out, "Hey! It's been three minutes, can we get let out now?!" No response came from outside.
Did they leave us here?, Jack wondered. Matthew let out a loud sigh and then walked up to the statue. It was now that Jack decided to speak.
"I wouldn't get too close to it," He sounded like he was giving orders, but meant it to sound more of a warning.
"Oh, what's it gonna do? Snap my neck? Turn me into a pretzel? Oh, how about absolutely nothing," Matthew snarled, spit practically coming out with every word. Johnny sat back and stared at the thing with more fear in his eyes than courage. Jack didn't reply to Matthew.
"That's what I thought, it's just a dumb, old STATUE!" Matthew swung a fist at the thing and hit it with a cracking sound, but it wasn't the statue that cracked. It was Matthew's hand that cracked... and broke. He stifled back a yell while holding his hand close to him. Jack forgot to alert the other two that he was gonna blink and blinked. A loud snap filled the room and a small thump followed after. Jack looked at the statue while also looking at the dead body of Matthew Morse. He didn't notice that Johnny covered his eyes out of fear.
"Johnny! JOHNNY! UNCOVER YOUR EYES!" Jack tried to yell, but Johnny could only hear himself whimpering, "I gotta blink, goddamnit!" It was useless, Johnny was a dead man standing, and his fear for the best of him. Jack blinked and another snap filled the room followed by another thump. Only one out of the three remained. Jack stared with fear starting to grow. Not because of dying, oh, it's far from that. It's because he'll end up letting out something far worse. He backed into a corner, using his touch to find the wall and lead his way to the corner. He stared at the stone statue with wide eyes. He couldn't hold them open much longer. He blinked. The statue shot from the door where it killed Johnny to the corner Jack now stood in. Jack was starting to have a panic attack. Tears filled his eyes from how long he's been staring, which made it harder to keep his eyes open. He couldn't help it, he had to blink at some point. And blink... is what he did.

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