Chapter Three

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     Alice was working her normal shift in Burger King as a cashier. Her night was going quite swell. That was until her boss, Mrs. Grayson, entered the room. Mrs. Grayson casually walked up to Alice and gave her direct eye contact.
"Ms. Hook, it has been brought to my attention that you haven't been acting quite... normal, to say the least," Mrs. Grayson said, trying to sound more concerned than disappointed.
"Sorry, Mrs. Grayson, it's just... it's been rough lately. Someone close to me got arrested and probably will never come back and his mother was murdered. It's just a lot to take in," Alice let out a sigh and placed her hand on her forehead.
"I understand, if you want to take a few days off to recover from this, you can and still receive pay. A little favor from someone who hasn't seen or heard from their husband in over a year," She placed her hand on Alice's back and rubbed it. She was like a mother that Alice lost. Alice grew up in a rough time. Abused by her mother after her father passed. Always being blamed for things she clearly didn't do. Jack was one of the only people who actually treated her with respect and same with Mary.
"Thank you, Mrs. Grayson"
"Oh, just call me Susan,"
"Ok, Susan. I accept the offer, I'll finish tonight and take off tomorrow. I'll stop by to order food just to help out a bit," Just like that, Alice felt slightly better. She worked the rest of the night and her shift ended quite quickly. Just as she was going to leave, she saw something orange quickly shift by the window. She stopped where she was, which was quite awkward considering how many people were in the restaurant.
Just gonna pretend it was nothing, She walked out the door and went to her car. The yellow Subaru that sat closest to the restaurant. She drove home and along the way listened to Lost In You by Three Days Grace, one of her favorite songs that Jack shown her. She loved it a lot, especially since it was Jack's favorite and actually one of her favorite bands. She imagined Jack singing it while reading or cooking. His brown eyes glowing and his black hair shining. She always found it cute and chuckled at it.
She pulled up in the driveway to the little Suburban home Mary, Jack, and herself share. She noticed that the door was wide open and her heart sank. Did someone else break it a few days after they JUST had a similar situation? She opened her car door and tried to shut it silently, it failed. She wasn't as quiet as she hoped. She snuck up the rest of the driveway and to the door. She peaked in to see Mary standing their looking giddy. What was she excited for?
"Welcome home, Alice" Mary said, not even hiding the excitement in her voice.
"I feel welcomed" Alice let out a nervous chuckle and walked to Mary, "How come the door was wide open?" Mary stood their for a second, and then answered.
"There's a surprise for you in your room," She smiled like a young child would.
"It better not be another man. I don't care if Jack is in jail, I only want him," Alice said with a little defense in her tone.
"Just open the door," Mary put on an annoyed face.
"Fine" Alice walked over to her bedroom door and put her hand on the handle. She stood there for a second, debating whether or not to open the door. After a bit, she twisted the handle and pulled the door forward. She dropped her jaw immediately.

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