Telfair Road

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I inhaled the cool air of Palo Alto. It was currently Tuesday around three forty-five am and I had school tomorrow. You must be wondering, why the hell are you out on a tuesday night? Well, to be honest, I'm not quite sure myself. It's pitch black outside, and if it weren't for these street lights I would've probably crashed into another car for the second time tonight. Yes, the second time tonight.

The first time was around twelve-thirty am, just a couple hours ago. My best friend Tristan and I were leaving Scooter's house. Scooter is our other friend, but I don't like to call him my best friend because he's really into weed and drinking. Anyways, we were there to 'study' for an upcoming history test. But we ended up having a couple drinks and Tristan even smoked a bit. We obviously weren't in the best condition to drive home, but of course, that didn't stop us.

Tristian was driving, which was stupid because he couldn't even see properly. But according to him, he can be "as high as a fucking airplane" and he still wouldn't let me drive his cheap ass car. When we started driving, it was okay for the first bit. Tristian started sticking his head out the window because he thought he was funny, I didn't think it was funny. Then, all I remember was hearing a horn blaring and pulling Tristan out of the fucking window.

We hit another car, but it wasn't that bad. We were both fine, but the two cars were not. As soon as Tristian realized what happened, he started driving away from the scene. I didn't want to be apart of a hit and run, so I convinced Tristian to let me out of the car before the cops find us for crashing into the other car. I can tell Tristian was pissed off at me, but I couldn't care less.

So here I am now. Walking home in the cool dark night of Palo Alto. I'm not quite sure how to get to my house from Scooter's house and my phone's dead. I don't really know where to go from here. I take a seat on the curb of some random street. I wonder if Tristian got caught. I hope he did, that bastard needs to be taught a lesson. Tristian's my best friend, but he's an asshole. I don't even think we actually like each other, the only reason why we hang around each other is because everyone else has their own little possy. Then there's just me and Tristian.

After minutes of thinking to myself, I notice a familiar street name on a sign. Telfair Road, Emily's street. I get up and start walking towards her street. It's kind of hard to locate her house in the dark, but eventually I find it. I walk up to her front porch and before I knock, I remember it's three o'clock in the morning. Damn, well now what?

I start heading my way back to the direction I came from when I noticed a slightly opened door. Oh right, Emily's room is in the basement. I turn around and open the door slowly to avoid squeaking. Emily has a door on the side of her house that leads directly to a staircase heading to the basement. So that's what I do, I walk quietly down the stairs. I feel so guilty breaking into her house, but I wouldn't mind if she broke into my house for the same reason.

I walk into Emily's room to find her sound asleep. I was getting more and more tired by the minute. I tap her on the shoulder and try to wake her up. The second she opens her eyes, I cover her mouth to keep her from screaming. I didn't want to wake anyone else up, especially her parents.

"Daniel? What the hell?" Emily asks me confused. Her voice sounds muffled because my hand was still covering her mouth.

"Emily, is it okay if I crash here?" I take my hand off her mouth.

"Wh-why? It's like five am right now. I'm so confused, how'd you get in here?" She asks with her eyebrows furrowed. I felt bad, she must still be half asleep.

"Sorry, I'll explain later. I'm so tired, can I just please sleep her tonight?" I ask her desperate. She rubs her eyes to get a better perspective of what's happening.

"Why can't you sleep at your house? Seriously, how'd you get inside. My dad hates you, did he le-" I cut Emily off mid-sentence.

"Emily! Please just shut up for a second. Just let me stay the night." I give up. Emily is so hard to talk to, and the fact that she's half asleep makes it worse.

She rolls her eyes and turns her body over to the other side of the bed. "Fine Daniel. You can sleep on the floor, just be out before school starts."

"Thank you, oh my God. I love you so much right now." I reply. I was finally able to fucking sleep. Emily's going to kill me tomorrow, but it's worth it. The last thing I hear from Emily is a groan and her telling me to shut up.


"Daniel, wake up! Daniel, I swear if you don't wake up, you're a dead man. Damnit Daniel!" I wake up to the sound of Emily yelling into my ear and shaking me violently. I open my eyes, and immediately start squinting them due to the bright lights she had on.

"Woah, Emily stop shaking me." I say and I roll over. I'm still so tired, I probably only got three hours of sleep.

"It's 8:56!" She yells again into my ear. I cover my ear, was she trying to make me deaf? "Daniel, you said you'd be out before school starts." Emily says pissed.

"Oh shit, school. Whatever, let's bunk. I have a math test I didn't stud-" Emily slaps my arm. What the hell was her deal? I don't see what the big problem is.

"Okay, yeah, sure let's bunk. But my Dad is coming down to say bye to me in like two minutes! So fucking get up!"

"Two minutes? In exactly two minutes" I ask her and scoff a bit. Her Dad was not coming down in specificaly two minutes.

"My Dad leaves around nine and he always comes down at nine to say bye. I don't know if you realized, but he hates your fucking guts!" Okay, now she was really pissed off. "Just go hide in my closet. Now!"

"Okay, okay! I'm going, jeez." I get up from my position on my floor and quickly walk over to her closet.

She almost slammed the door on my fucking finger. Also, thank God her closet is huge. I would've probably become claustrophobic in here. A couple seconds after I get in her closet, I hear a knock at her door.

"Shit, shit." I can practically hear Emily sweating. "Uh, come in!"

"Emily, it's nine o'clock, don't you have school today?" I hear her son of a bitch Dad ask through the closet door.

"Yeah, but I'm feeling really sick, I think I have a fever or something."

"Well, you seem fine to me. Go get dressed, you're already late for school."

"No Dad! Please, I'm gonna throw up!" I almost started laughing, Emily's a terrible actor.

"Fine Emily. Just this one time." I hear her Dad sternly say. "I gotta head for work, I'll see you later."

"Yep, bye Dad." Emily says relived. I hear footsteps leaving and a door open, then close shut. Suddenly the closet door I was leaning on opens up. I fell onto her floor.

"You're so fucking dead Daniel."


Yo that's the first chapter. It's based off the movie Palo Alto. i love the characters in it so yeah. I'll explain later why emily's dad hates daniel. Also im basing Daniel off Daniel Desario from Freaks and Geeks bc I'm in love with james franco lol. Yeah idk who plays emily, scooter or tristian yet. but young james franco plays daniel lulzz.OH YEAH if youve seen Palo Alto i want daniel to be kind of like fred but not as intense lol

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