Fake Leather Jackets

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After Emily gave me a lecture on how I shouldn't break into other people's houses and how I can fuck things up very easily, we were out the door. She was still mad at me, but I didn't really care. We were headed to the nearest fast food restaurant for breakfast, which happened to be the most shittiest place on earth:

Five Star Burger

Five Star Burger sells the most disgusting burgers ever created, but still manages to be the hangout spot for my friends and I.

I don't understand why I brought Emily with me. I could've of just told her not to come with me for food. Emily and I aren't on the best terms. In fact, we're never on the best terms. I'm not even sure how we became friends. We really only hang out when we're in groups so when it's just the two of us, it's kind of weird.

"Daniel, I'm so fucking tired."

"Then why are you here?" I gave Emily a tired sigh.

"Because I'm hungry and you broke into my house." She answered, clearly frustrated.

"Oh my God, can you just please drop that. It's not even a big deal." I said replied just as frustrated.

"Daniel, yes it is can't you underst-" She stopped talking and ran her fingers through her hair. "You know what, forget it." She walked away and sat at an empty table leaving me standing alone.

I shut my eyes to get my head straight before ordering some crappy burgers for me and little Miss Princess.


Emily and I both sit silently at the table eating our food as slowly as possible to avoid any awkward conversation. Things were already really weird, then she had to go and yell at me to make it even worse. As I throw the last pieces of my french fries into my mouth I feel a cold liquid pour onto my jacket sleeve.

"Oh my G- you're kidding me right?" I let out an exaushted sigh as I look down to my left arm and see that Emily has spilt her Diet Cola on me. I look up to find her face going red as she tries to hold in her laughter. I shake my head as she gets on my last nerve and decide that I was heading home right away after this, I was so done with her.

"Daniel, I am so sorry." Emily blurts out as she finds this whole situation amusing. I give her a sarcastic smile in return. She starts dabbing my sleeve with a napkin and we both notice the ink of my faux leather jacket stain her hand.

"Hey, what the hell even is this? A jean jacket, oh no, I know, it looks like leather but feels really chea-" I cut Emily off as she plays a game of 'investigate Daniel's jacket' and starts smelling the ink on her hand.

"It's fake! It's a fake leather jacket okay? Just stop touching it. Jeez." I say as I carefully take my jacket off trying to avoid letting the wet part touch any surface.

"Okay Daniel," Emily looks at me while running her fingers through her hair. "Can we please just be friends, like just for now? I'm so tired of fighting with you, I just need a break just for now okay?"

She leans back against the uncomfortable chairs we're sitting in. I sigh because I start to realize that maybe I've been a bit harsh on Emily this morning. She did let me stay the night so I guess I should just make this work for now.

"Yeah, fine I guess." I reply not giving my answer much thought.


Havent updated in like 5 years literally bc i havent been on wattpad in forever lol SORRY SORRY SORRY I SUCK I KNOW!! I didnt realize how many people were reading this!! (Thanks btw) also this chapter was supposed
to be longer but i really want to update so ya!! Bye :)

******hi i deleted wattpad and im really bored so i redownloaded it and saw how many reads this story got so im gonna post this shitty 2nd chapter i wrote so long ago but im not gonna continue the story so sorry if u were waiting :(

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