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i awake the next morning to light filling my room. and simon with a limp arm over me. both of us naked. my body aching slightly from last nights events, but it was probably some of the best sex i have had in my life. something about my dislike towards him made me uninhibited which made it much more enjoyable. pulling the covers up over myself more, i feel slightly vulnerable laid next to him like this. as i scroll through my phone, i feel him stir next to me. i turn my head slightly and we glance at each other for a brief moment. "we don't actually hate each other." he groans, his voice raspy.

"hmm." i mutter, "not sure about that." he sits up slightly, staring at me and i turn over to look at him.


"well, you're just a bit of a dick." i sigh.

"well as i said the other night, i don't think it's hate." he softly smiles.

"whatever it is, it resulted in erm, a really good night." i giggle awkwardly. "oh fuck." i glance at him.

"what?" he questions, slightly concerned. i point to the obvious few love bites scattered across his collarbone. he attempts to look at them, "well you might wanna check your boobs." he smirks cockily. i lift up the covers, glancing down at them, both of them covered in bruise-like marks.

"fantastic." i roll my eyes, huffing. "you're a dickhead."

"so are you," he mumbles, "in 30 degree heat and i can't take my top off."

"and i can't wear most of my bikini's." i sigh.

"oh poor eden." he taunts. i pick up my phone again, noticing a message in the whatsapp groupchat.

jj: has anyone seen simon?

"fuck." i show simon the message.

"fuck." he glances at the phone, then up at me. the groupchat quickly fills replies with 'no' and we quickly panic. he scrambles out of bed, searching for all of his clothes and quickly pulls them over himself.

"wait, wait. i'll get dressed and we'll go sit outside or something." i mumble, pulling my naked body out of bed and instantly feeling shy. "stop looking." i spit as i spot his roaming eyes.

"okay." he bites back, turning away. i grab some underwear, shorts and a top and quickly throw everything on and run my hairbrush through my hair. grabbing my phone, i step outside first, making sure no one is there and we quickly sneak downstairs, making sure we don't bump into anyone. he quickly grabs his phone from the sofa where he left it last night and we hurry outside, sitting at a table.

ede: he's outside?

"we should do that again." he glances up at me from his phone as he scrolls through it.

"shut up." i furrow my eyebrows at him, copying his actions on my phone.

"i'm serious." he now puts his phone down on the table, staring at me.

"stop with the staring."

"does it bother you?"

"yes." i groan, sighing. "pisses me off." i mumble, keeping the focus on my phone between my fingers.

"i'm sure it does."

"i could do it again though." i mumble, staring up at him through my eyelashes. "hate sex is fun."

"it isn't hate." he rolls his eyes, picking his phone back up.

"you might not hate me, but i think i hate you." i raise my eyebrows.

hatred | miniminterWhere stories live. Discover now