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i hate him. he's stubborn. he's cocky. he's arrogant. and he won't fucking leave me alone. and staring at him, sat diagonally across from me on the plane, all i can think to myself is why on earth did i agree to this holiday?

"it's gonna be a good holiday, eden." ethan nudges my arm, taking my focus away from the back of simon's head.

"mhm." i nod slightly, removing one of my earphones to turn to him.

"don't be like that, it'll be a laugh."

"yeah c'mon ede, cheer up." harry leans over, grinning at me. i sigh, shaking my head at him,

"i'm one of three girls on this trip, and i'm the only single one."

"is that not a good thing?" ethan furrows his eyebrows at me and i shrug my shoulders.

"we wanted you to come because you're a laugh, and you can out drink the majority of us." harry chuckles slightly, "you're fun to be with."

"hmm." i sigh, glancing back over at simon, "well i know one person who doesn't want me here."

"but you don't want him here either. you just need to ignore each other." i nod at ethan as he offers me a reassuring smile, until an air hostess walks over with a trolley.

"any food or drink?"

"uh no tha-", i'm instantly cut off my ethan.

"i'll take, 2 vodkas, 1 pink gin, 2 cokes and 1 lemonade, please." he grins at the lady, pulling his card out of his wallet. i swiftly spin my head and scowl at him as the lady grabs the items. "come on eden, might as well get started now." i grin at him, shaking my head.

"fine." i roll my eyes as the 3 of us pour our drinks into the cups. "cheers!" we all exclaim, pressing the cups together and bringing them to our lips.

10 days in ibiza with these idiots and being the only single girl isn't exactly ideal. but at least i get my own room in the villa - it's the only positive in this situation at the moment.

we soon enough found ourselves landing, "you lot!" ethan turns his head behind us, to find both cal's and tobi sat there. "odds on clapping when the plane lands." i instantly throw my head into my hands, knowing what was ahead.

"how about," i lift my head from my palms, "whoever claps, i'll give you £5." i grin.

"ay, jj, simon!" ethan leans over me, "eden said she'll give £5 to whoever claps when the plane lands."

"mate, i would've done it for free." jj chuckles, "but i'm down." simon remains facing forward, hearing my name clearly infuriates him.

"i'm in." josh peeps from the seat in front of us. as soon as the plane hits the floor, the passengers spin their heads to find a bunch of men cheering and clapping.

"woohoo!" ethan wails next to me, clapping his hands as loud as possible.

"oh yeah!" cal jokingly moans whilst clapping, causing all of us to emerge with tears of laughter as the passengers scowl at us. they continue cheering for a good minute, clapping with their hands in the air, and i quickly notice simon joining in on the fun as he sits staring at me. great, £5 to him.

"and that, you lot, is what happens when eden offers to give you five pounds if you clap when the plane lands." lux speaks into the camera, a massive grin across his lips.

the heat instantly hit us as soon as we stepped foot off the plane and i quickly melted into it, no longer regretting my choice. and after doing all the boring things - border control and collecting our luggage, we finally stepped foot out of the airport, already embracing the sun. 4 cars sat waiting for us to take us to our villa, passing my suitcase and bag to the driver, i grin at him as i step into the car. harry sitting in the passenger seat and ethan and i in the back.

"it's only 12pm, we can go out tonight!" ethan cheers, looking at his phone.

"all i can think about is food." i fall back into the seat, holding my stomach.

"yeah i'm starving." harry spins his head around and ethan nods. "we'll have to go shopping anyways."

"mhm." i nod back at them, staring out of the window at the scenery as we drive to where we're staying.

reaching the villa, it looked massive. my eyes widen as we drive towards it, and i instantly fly out of the car as it stops, a massive grin across my face as i jump up and down in excitement. "okay, okay, i'm excited now." i giggle at ethan as he pulls his sunglasses over his eyes.

everyone arrives at more or less the same time, pulling our suitcases into the luxurious villa and finding our rooms. i throw my suitcase into mine, quickly running back down the stairs to explore the villa, finding freya also doing the same. we step foot into the back garden, finding a large swimming pool and an array of sun loungers, tables and chairs. wandering around the rest of the villa, we notice a large kitchen already stocked with some bottles of water, a gym, 2 lounge rooms and a bar area already stacked with drinks, "wait, can we drink these?" i point to them, looking back at freya.

"erm. probably, maybe?" she cocks her head slightly, "i think so." she shrugs her shoulders, we both grin at one another.

"so, who's coming for a swim?" cal looks at us, already in his swim shorts and a towel thrown over his shoulder.

"i think me and josh and maybe some others are gonna go on a walk and stock up on food." freya smiles, looking at cal and i.

"fuck it, i'll swim." i smile, racing up the stairs to my room and accidentally bumping into someone. "oops sorry." i step back slightly, looking up. of course it is simon minter.

"just watch where you're going." he scowls, staring down at me with his hands in front of him. i throw him a dirty look.

"actually, i'm not sorry." i cockily smirk.

"fucking bitch." he mutters under his breath as i walk away.

unzipping my suitcase and throwing it open, i dig around for a bikini. laying out the few i brought with me, i pick the leopard print one with high waisted bottoms - much better for swimming. ripping off my cycling shorts and t-shirt, i throw on the bikini, swiftly tying it behind me. shoving my feet into my slides and reaching for my towel, i race back down the stairs and to the back.

"god, i've been waiting for you." cal yells, as i glance at harry already in the pool and tobi sat on the side,
dipping his feet in. chucking my things onto a lounger, i kick off my slides and walk towards them.

"why? just get in." i grin.

"because i've been waiting to do this!" cal runs and grabs me, picking me up bridal style and chucking me into the pool. i make a large splash, the water smacking both tobi and harry straight in the face.

"cal!" tobi shouts, wiping his face. the boy quickly jumps in behind me, splashing tobi again. "oh my days!" tobi chuckles, quickly walking away from the pool to wipe his face. i push my soaking wet hair back slightly, splashing both harry and cal.

slightly frustrated with the two boys for just repeatedly splashing me, i hop out of the pool and lay on a lounger, soaking up the sun, the heat instantly drying my dripping wet body. throwing my head back into the lounger, sunglasses over my eyes, i embrace the heat surrounding me. "hey eden." a figure lies on a sun lounger next to me. i slowly turn my head, lifting my sunglasses up slightly.

"hi jj." i grin, facing my head forwards.

"i bet you're not regretting coming now." he giggles slightly.

"i guess not." i hum, pulling up one of my legs. "are we off out tonight?" i turn to look at him.

"eden, we'll be off out every night." he smiles at me and i instantly smile back.

"we're back!" josh wanders into the back garden, looking at us all. i instantly shoot up, thinking about my now rumbling stomach. dragging my body to the kitchen, i stand and look at the variety of food spread out across the island, noticing simon stood in a t-shirt and shorts staring at me. i instantly turn away from him, feeling his gaze burn into me. "we didn't get loads, mainly just snacks. we'll just go to a restaurant tonight."

"it's fine." i grin, grabbing a large packet of crisps off the side and trudging away. "i'm going for a nap!" i wander up the stairs, still feeling simon's stare.

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