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i run my straighteners through my hair, gazing at myself in the mirror. we spent the day drinking beer and cider, chilling by the pool as i attempt to catch more of a tan, but i have only ended up slightly more burnt. although we have not done much today, we knew we were heading out tonight so we decided to relax in preparation for what could be a big night. i pull a cream bodycon dress up my body and brush down the front of it as i glance at myself. i put the same shoes on i wore the first night, sliding my feet into them and tying them around the ankles and proceed to grab my shoulder bag and throw everything i need in it. i smile at my appearance, feeling slightly confident with myself as i leave my bedroom and walk down the stairs as i am greeted with a wolf whistle by a few of the boys. "shut up!" i shyly grin at them, i could feel my cheeks burning red. and it definitely wasn't just from the sun burn.

"we're just being nice!" ethan nudges me.

"can erm, someone take a photo of me please." i smile, holding my phone out for someone to take. lux takes the phone from my fingers, going to the camera app and attempts to find good lighting for me.

"stand in front of the stairs." he points, smiling at me and i awkwardly step towards them. i pose in a few different ways, smiling at moments and other moments not, simply trying to capture the nicest photos possible. after what felt like hundreds of photos had been taken, i reach for my phone and stand for a while as we wait for everyone else to be ready, scrolling through and picking out some of the best ones. i pick out the more off-guard looking ones, images of me laughing or not quite facing the camera and edit them slightly. picking out two of the best, i post them to my instagram beside the bikini picture i posted yesterday, which to no surprise, received a lot of likes. i caption it 'say cheese, thanks @callux'.

once everyone is gathered downstairs, we leave the villa with our main intention of getting leathered tonight. i walk with cal, who wraps an arm around my shoulder and grips it tightly, "you look nice." he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"thanks." i grin up at him, "don't look too bad yourself."

"i always look good." he teases and i jokingly punch him.

"shut up." i chuckle softly, leaning into his embrace as we head to bars. reaching a bar, we all manage to sit as a group outside, bringing some tables and chairs together. we gather around, some people going to the bar instead of all of us going. "thanks." i smile up at josh who hands me a vodka lemonade. we sit around, drinking our drinks and backing shot after shot. i find myself intently staring at simon opposite me, who is conversing with vik.

"what you looking at?" ethan nudges me slightly, causing me to shake my head and blink a couple of times.

"nothing, nothing." i smile at him, "might go get some shots." i smile, standing up from my seat. "shots anyone?" i raise my voice, causing everyone's attention to be on me. everyone eagerly nodded, apart from tobi who agreed to pass on this one as he had already had one or two. walking inside, i lean over the bar slightly with my forearms resting on it, waiting to be served and a figure slides themselves next to me.

"do you want a drink?" he mumbles, i look up at him. simon. quickly turning away from him to face the bar, i nod slowly. "so, what do you want?" he questions, hostility laced through his tone of voice.

"vodka lemonade." i mumble, refusing to look at him. "can i get eleven sambuca shots please?" i smile at the bartender who swiftly grabs a tray and eleven shot glasses, pouring sambuca into each of them. i pay for them and grab the tray, throwing my head down to avoid simon once again and place them on the table outside as everyone cheers. simon follows behind me with two drinks, handing me one causing everyone to furrow their eyebrows.

"what's that all about?" ethan furrows his eyebrows.

"a drinks a drink." i shrug, sipping at it and reaching for a shot, watching everyone do the same. "cheers!" we yell, i pull the shot glass to my lips and throw my head back along with it, cringing slightly at the taste and burning sensation.

time passes, more drinks are consumed and i notice cal sticking to me like glue all night. i instantly find myself struggling to walk in a straight line, which was definitely my aim tonight, as we walk into a club. i find myself already dancing to the beat before i even reach the bar for a drink and cal's hand roams my lower back, holding me close to him in the crowded space. "what do you want to drink?" he yells over the music.

"vodka lemonade please." i grin up at him as we walk towards the bar. he orders our drinks and also orders two jägerbomb's for us both. clinking the cups together, i pour the drink down my throat and wipe my mouth before cal had even finished his.

"fucking hell eden." he laughs, shaking his head at me. i cockily shrug my shoulders at him, intertwining my fingers with his and i grab my drink from the side as we walk through crowds of people to find everyone else. they're all stood together, dancing and swaying to the music, sipping at their drinks.

i quickly notice myself in an extremely wasted state, the most i had been drunk on this holiday. singing along to the music, i wrap my arms around freya's neck as we dance to the beat of the music, grinning at one another. luckily, everyone appears to be as drunk as i am which was the aim of tonight. and i am loving it. "i'm gonna get shots!" i shout, "who's coming?" i begin walking towards the bar as ethan and harry follow my lead. after paying for 6 shots, we each pour the liquid down our throats and i choke slightly, but do the same with the second.

"you and cal then?" harry nudges me, looking down at me.

"what you on about?" i pull a puzzled expression.

"a little birdy told me he thinks you're fit, you could shag him?" he raises his eyebrows, grinning at me.

"oh shut up." i softly punch his arm in a joking manner, shaking my head. "you're so full of shit." i slur, walking back to the group. i end up standing next to simon and deciding to be the bigger person, i look up at him and flash him a smile and he awkwardly smiles back down at me, taking a swig from his cup. progress.

"so you'll talk to me now then?" he leans down, whispering in my ear causing goosebumps to embrace my body.

"we'll see." i smirk at him, shrugging my shoulders. "depends if you're nice."

"i'm always nice." he furrows his eyebrows.

"whatever simon minter." i shake my head, turning my attention away from him as he continues to watch my every move.

i dance over to cal opposite me, snaking my arms around his neck as he grips onto my waist. by this point, some people had gone back to the villa and some had gone to the bar or toilet. "so you think i'm fit do you?" i raise my voice over the music, watching is face burn causing me to simper. i almost feel proud of myself as he crumbles beneath me, unable to think of what to say.

"i'm guessing you heard this from harry?" he questions, staring down at me. i bite my lip, nodding at him. we stare at one another for a moment and he instantly presses his lips onto mine. it felt messy, our tongues dancing with one another and our teeth slightly clashing from our wasted states. i tug the hair on the back of his head slightly, biting his bottom lip as i pull away from him and grin up at him. glancing behind me, i notice harry and simon staring at us both. harry pulls two thumbs up, grinning and nodding at us both. but simon swiftly walks away and my eyes manage to follow him due to his height as i notice him leave the bar.

i always told myself i would never get with one of the boys. why did i do that?

u aint even ready for the next part...

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