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"NIIIIIICCCCCOOOOOOOOO!" Dick shrieked. Nico sprinted to where Dick was, thinking something was wrong."What happened? Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Is-""Shush. This is about you." At the word "you", Nico rolled his eyes."Why something so unimportant?"Nico asked, exasperated."Unimportant? you're important!" Nico snorted."Sure. Go on.""Read the letter!" Dick exclaimed."I'm dyslexic. The placement test and the IQ test were all translated in Latin for me.""Oh, um... okay." Dick read the letter out loud. The family all expected for Nico to be proud of himself, but instead, Nico scowled. He mumbled something in Russian, and Jason caught on to it."I should have done better. I'm so stupid." Nico muttered in Russian."What do you mean? You have an IQ of more than Drake, and you're nine. What do you mean, you should have done better?""I'm a stupid little piece of crap. He was right. Bianca would have done so much better." "Who's 'he'?" "Father. Not Bruce. Father." The family looked on, confused. Jason was the most confused of all, even if he was the one who knew Russian. What did he mean, and who is Bianca?"Well, you're gonna start school in two days. What grade are you gonna start at?""Tenth.""Really? There's a lot of bullies-""I've handled worse." Nico cut off curtly. His expression comfirmed it. "I'm going into tenth grade. If they're bitter that I'm in tenth and I'm only nine, they can fight me."The family exchanged looks. Nico di Angelo was surely a puzzel with missing pieces. He couldn't be solved, and no one can do anything about it, unless they find what was missing in Nico's life. The first day of school.Nico didn't feel nervous, or excited, or forboding or anything.He was going to make a violent first impression, wait for someone to befriend him, wait for them to say some homophobic shit, and tell them that he's gay. He couldn't wait for the reactions.~~~Nico walked into the school, everybody staring since he was new, and adopted by Bruce Wayne. In the first few minutes, a bully twice Nico's size already started to pick on him. Tim, Damian, and heck, even Jason tried to help, but before they could, Nico grabbed the bully's arm and flipped him over his left shoulder."You know," Nico started, looking down at the older boy. "If I cared about your opinion, I would be really insulted right now." One point for Nico di Angelo. Nico smirked, and stalked off to his class (Which he got help from Tim)."Hey, sweetie, are you lost?" a lady that was probably the teacher asked. "What grade are you in?""Tenth." The teacher's eyebrows furrowed. "So... you're ten years old?" "No! I'm nine years old!" "The third grade section is over-" "I'm in tenth grade! My name is Nicolai di Angelo! check on the list! Don't call me Nicolai. It's Nico." Nico yelled. Tim was outside, watching this all unfold with an amused look. Nico shot him a half-hearted glare. "I'm sorry, Nico. You can take a seat in the back, and I'll try to go slowly for you." Nico rolled his eyes, but sat in the back without another sound. The rest of the class filed in, taking their seats, giving Nico weird looks."Ms. Nutter? Why is there a baby in our class?" One girl said, obviously talking about Nico. The class snickered."Yes, Ms. Nutter," Nico said, gesturing to the girl that spoke up. "Why is there a baby in our class?" The class erupted into laughter, the girl's face flushing red. The teacher sighed, and just went on to the lesson.~A few minutes later~"Can anyone show me how to solve the question on the board?" Wow. That was cliche. Seeing as no one wanted to, Nico raised his hand."Are you sure, Nico? This is a more advanced question.""Well, does it look like anyone wants to do it? Nah." Nico took the chalk from her hands, and solved the question in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, numbers didn't really affect his dyslexia. Nico slumped back into his seat."Nico, please talk to me after class. This is nonsense." So she thought Nico was cheating. Huh.~After Class~Nico walked to Ms. Nutter's desk. "You wanted me?" Nico asked."Nico, do you think I am this foolish? Stop cheating at once!""How am I cheating? Prove it," Nico demanded."Do this question in front of me." Ms. Nutter said.In a few seconds, Nico was done. Ms. Nutter was apalled. "Nico, tell me how you are cheating, and you won't get in trouble." Nico had enough. "I wasn't cheating!"Nico wasn't too happy as he got out of the room. What cheered him up though, was getting into a fight.Tim was getting bullied, and did nothing about it. But when it got physical, Nico pushed off the bully--which he was gonna call "Stupido"-- and swung his fist to meet Stupido's cheek."Hey," Nico growled. "Don't ever touch him again." Stupido lunged at Nico, and Nico dodged his attacks. All of them.All because he saw teachers coming out to see what the commotion was through the crowd that formed."Hey! Zachary! Get off the boy!" The teachers dragged him off of Nico, and Nico put on his scared face. A teacher went to check if Nico was alright. Nico helped Tim up, who was watching the whole thing. "Thanks." Tim mumbled. Nico nodded in return, and shot a last wolf glare at "Zachary". "Huh, It's usually Jason who comes and helps me." Nico shrugged, not knowing what to say. "Sometimes, you just have to open your mind to other things." Nico immediately felt like a hippocrite. Nico's mind was always a bit closed off, but after he was forced to get in war with his great-grandma, he closed off.

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