Prologue: First day

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(Jackson's p.o.v)

I arrive in Sakurami City in my Camero pulling up to the apartment building I'll be staying in for the foreseeable future as I enter the fully furnished apartment and just as I sit on my couch the doorbell starts ringing. "I'm coming...scheise can't a guy relax around here?"

I open the door only to be greeted by a vaguely familiar girl that looks to be in her late teens with black hair that reaches her mid back. "Are you by any chance Jackson Scarlet?" I raise an eyebrow curious as to who this girl is and how she knows my name. "Yes. That would be me? How do you know who I am?" She hands me a picture I had not seen in a long time, the one of my graduation from the survey corps academy.

I sigh putting two and two together and let her inside my apartment locking the door behind the young woman. "I'm guessing you're a descendant of my old comrade Harmony Gasai?" The young girl nods before explaining her reasoning for her visit. "I was told should I ever be in drastic need of help to seek out the man whom bore the matching necklace." She pulls out the order of the Scarlet Claw necklace I had given to Harmony Gasai shortly before my departure from Paradis so long ago.

"What happened?" I sit her down on the loveseat across from my couch as I myself sit down my crimson eyes practically staring into her soul. "This heirloom was passed down to me by my mother before she was killed by some sort of dog…" I sigh "But that dog wasn't normal. It was big and looked like it crawled out of the deepest pits of the wrath ring." She nods surprised I was able to put it together so quickly.

I stand up and pull out an old journal which I had used to log every sort of creature I had ever encountered over the course of my eternal life and open to a certain page and show it to her. "What you encountered was a hellhound. They don't normally come up to our realm. Which means your mother was specifically targeted." She looks down scared of what this could mean.

"Look. I'll help you with your hellhound problem." She hugs me happy she's finally not being called crazy for once and I gently rub her head as she cries into my shirt. "I never got your name." She looks up at me and wipes away her tears. "Saika. Saika Gasai." I chuckle to myself "She reminds me of Harmony."TO BE CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 1: DEATH'S ADVOCATE

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