Chapter 1: More questions than answers

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(Jackson p.o.v)

I light a cigarette as I stand in the forest with the young girl at my side as I finish drawing out the seal matrix on the mountainside to create a door to the realm of death itself to have a chat with the reaper himself. "Smoking is bad for your health you know." I groan in annoyance. "Look kid. You want my help? You need to keep your mouth shut on my smoking habits."

I snap back annoyed and Saika raises her hands in self defense thinking I was going to attack her which makes me realize she was abused which causes my fatherly instincts immediately kick in and I roll up her sleeves to see the extent of the physical abuse should there be any. "What are you doing?" Saika looks at me with fear in her eyes which angers me even more towards whoever had abused such a sweet young girl. "I'm making sure you aren't permanently hurt by these scars." She seems surprised that I actually care for her which annoyed me even more at the ignorant fools that had done this to her.

Saika grabbed my hand and squeezed it finding comfort in my words,presence and actions making it clear to me just how broken she must be…perhaps she and I were alike in more ways I thought.

That night I awoke within the halls of a decrepit chapel and I slowly wandered it guided by some sort of unknown presence as I reached the source of the presence I came face to face with a giant beating heart and naturally I reached out and touched it only to feel an unnatural power surge through my body as my hair turned white as snow and my eyes took on a pale yellow color.

I subconsciously went to conjure my sword only to have my dream interrupted by the rays of sunlight pouring down ontop of me and the young girl I am in charge of sleeping peacefully ontop of me and as I sat up I was left with far more questions than answers about what I saw and the strange power I had felt…TO BE CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 2

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