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"My letter to you is that you go to this location and find an old diary that has the words DIO engraved on the front."

Saint John's Christian Church
387 Saints Road
Dallas, Texas

"Once you find the diary, come straight back to the building. DO NOT take any detours. I hope you stay safe."

"The letter has a Speedwagon Foundation symbol on it Storm, so it must be official" said Neo. Storm and Mega are in a car while Neo is driving to the location. "Five minutes until destination." The GPS was guiding the crew to the location of this church. Neo pulled over the car and everyone got out ready to start the mission. Mega started to steady his breathing while Storm and Neo went inside. Once they went inside, they walked up to the central room and there was a lot of people. Everyone was emotionless, calm, and yet in shock. Mega came rushing to rejoin Neo and Storm. The minute he showed up, they start to hear footsteps. Everyone immediately stood up and started to bow their heads. An old man came up wearing a rope and holding an old book that says "DIO".

"My sons and daughters, take a seat." Mega, Neo, and Storm looked around and noticed a bench that was empty. They all decided to take a seat and hear what the old man has to say. "It seems like we have a special event day my children" he continues, "The lord has blessed another son to come and get baptize by the son, the father, and the holy ghost!" Mega leans over to Neo and says "Isn't that the Diary we're looking for?" Neo responds "I think so." The old man continues to preach about baptism and sees a man start walking down the main path. The man appears in a white rope with tears of joy running down his face. The old man already has a pool in the church ready to baptize the man. Storm says "How the fuck did he get that pool that fast?" Neo responds with "That might've been already ther-" "No, he must be a stand user." Mega rudely interrupts. "There's no possible way he can grab a pool, fill it with water, and then bring back here in all under 3 seconds." Then, the old man dunks the man underwater and says "You shall be cleansed of your sins my son!"

He suddenly pulls out an arrow that has a beetle design to it. Storm notices and his reflexes caused him to pull out his stand. "Midnight Train!" he calls. He swings his arm vertically and lighting comes out of his arm. The stand comes out and dashes straight for the old man. The old man can see the stand heading straight towards him. The old man calls out "The World, stop time!" Everything and everyone starts to slow down and ends with a stop. The old man floats towards Storm and punches him away from the pool. "Resume time!" Time resumes and Storm flies straight into a pillar. Everyone starts running out of the church in panic. Mega commands Neo to use his stand and get the arrow. "NinjaWay!" Smoke forms behind Neo and his stand appears. He charges straight towards the arrow while Mega is steadying his breathing. The old man sees Neo coming and tries to stop him. NinjaWay pulls out its sword and barrages the arrow out of his hand. The old man damaged, uses The World to barrage punch Neo and his Stand. "MUDA MUDA MUDA!" The stand cries while Neo gets beaten up. Neo gets launched back into the wall, and starts to move towards Storm to help him. Mega starts to walk towards the old man, confidante that he can get the arrow. The old man teases, "You really think your pathetic Hamon could defeat me?! You really are a child!" "I don't think you met my stand?" Mega responds. "Oh really? THE WORLD!" The old man sends The World to barrage Mega. "Royal King, The World!" Mega proceeds to stop time. "Scarlet Red Overdrive!" Mega punches The World to misdirect him. He goes for the arrow, however Mega can only stop time for 3 seconds. "Resume, Royal King" Time resumes. The World fell straight into the benches while the old man falls straight into the pillar.

Mega picks up the arrow and notices that the arrow is different from the normal arrows. He rushes toward Storm and Neo, but meets with The World's punch to his head. Mega gets knocked back onto the floor with the arrow in his hand. The old man walks up to him and says "You really are a special kid, however you're not fitted for the true power of Requiem!" Mega questions, "Requiem?" The old man proceeds to give a speech about Requiem and the arrow. "So, if I pierce myself with this arrow, I could possibly obtain Requiem?" Mega asked. "Yes my son, however you're stand is not capable  of handling requiem. SO GIVE ME MY ARROW!" "Royal King! The World!" Time stops as the old man tries to reach for the arrow. Mega gets up and grabs the arrow and runs towards the exit. However, Mega exceeded his range and time automatically resumes. The old man stands up and sees Mega holding the arrow in the air. Neo surprisingly rushes towards the old man and sends NinjaWay to distract him. "Mega, quit being a dumbass and pierce yourself with the goddamn arrow!" Mega quickly decides and pierces himself with the arrow. "Royal King!"

The arrow shines a golden light around Royal King and Mega. Suddenly, the arrow falls from Mega's hand and faints all of a sudden. Storm sees Neo fighting the old man while Mega is fainted on the floor. He charges toward the old man, trying to assist Neo. "Midnight Train!" Midnight Train sends electric barrages at the old man and The World while Neo and NinjaWay is sword barraging them too. The old man, with rage screams "THE WORLD!" time stops and the old man is free from the barrages. "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!" he sends The World to barrage punch both Neo and Storm. "Resume time for me!" Storm and Neo are both seen flying towards a wall wounded. The old man starts to walk up to them with a menacing appearance." I forgot to mention my name. Forgive my lord!" the old man said. "My name is Saint John and I have be sent by my God to find the Diary and create more stand users" "This world has fallen into ashes after the incident in 2013, and I SHALL FIX IT WITH THE GUIDENCE OF MY LORD!" Neo says, "Who the fuck is your god?" Saint responds with "Never.....and I mean NEVER TREAT HIM LIKE THAT." Saint John starts walk closely towards Neo and pull out his stand. Neo gets up and pulls out his stand. "Go and check up on Mega, I got this." Storm nodded his head and went to check on Mega. As NinjaWay and The World are trading barrages, Storm runs over and notices Mega is gone. "Neo, Mega is-" Neo got sent towards Storm and they both fall. "Well, well, you couldn't hold up towards The World. Neo, you are weak and there is nothing you can do to defe-"Saint turns around and notices that Mega is gone. "Say, where is your frie-?" He then notices they are gone too. "Now where did they all go?" He looks around and sees the Requiem arrow on the ground shaking. "Come here my precious arrow." The arrow suddenly flies up and goes into someone's hand. Saint slowly looks up and sees, "I-Im-Impossible?!"

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