Chapter 13: Green Baby Panic

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They all make it back to the Spring Garden safely. "HEY THEY'RE ALL BACK!" Mega shouted. The crew ran to the Spring Garden's entrance and reinsured everyone was okay. "Ms. Leah, it's glad to see you again." "You've grown so tall. Your Hamon is well too!" Before they could continue their conversation, Maria starts to shake and holds onto the ground. Mega signals Shinexx and Skye to come over to have a look at her. "Maria are you okay?" Shinexx asks. "It's happening...." Shinexx looks at her confused, "What's happening?" Maria slowly looks up at Shinexx and says, "The souls of 36 sinners are forming! The pathway to Heaven is being walked on again! HEAVEN IS COMING!" Mega gets scared and quickly turns around. "I can feel the souls being absorb to the utterly new thing! We must find it now....NOW!" Maria suddenly faints and collapses onto the ground. "I'm going to take her to the medical station. Skye, come with me and Rya pick her up and come with me too." They took Maria to the station while everyone else is gathered in the courtyard of the Spring Garden. 

"I know what she's talking about." Mega gets everyone's attention. "What I read in that diary was exactly what she said. The soul of 36 sinners, the utterly new thing, and the pathway to Heaven." Storm jumps in and says, "This "Heaven" thing needs to be stopped then. Right?" Mega nods. "We need figure out where this utterly new thing this." The courtyard got quiet. Neo breaks the silence saying, "We could use Maria and Sora's stand to find it." Mega looks at Neo and says, "Maria, yes. However, I don't think Sora's stand is capable of finding this thing. It could be a item or some type of power orb. Who knows!" Storm starts to think. Nunu then jumps into the conversation and says, "If there are 36 souls absorbing into this thing, then wouldn't the thing be a person?" Storm turns to Nunu and says, "OH SHIT! You might be right!" Neo jumps in, "Yo that could be right." Mega says, "Then it's settled, once Maria wakes up we'll see if she can sense the thing. Then, use Sora's stand to track it."

A few hours later

The gang are now in an small city called "Kimberg" in hopes of finding the Green Baby. Sora's stand, Coochie Man is having its hands on the road to try and hear the Green Baby. "Soooo, Maria what is this utterly new thing?" Maria responds, "I don't know. The Diary never specifically described the utterly new thing." Maria suddenly get chills down her spine, "It's near us." Sora starts to hear something, something crying. "I can hear" Maria looks ahead of her, "That must be the thing!" She points at a cradle in the middle of the road. Everyone runs towards the cradle, but something seems off. "Hey y'all." Mega gets the groups attention, "Is it just me or is everything getting...bigger?" Everyone looks around and notices that the buildings were getting bigger. " are dumb as hell!" Neo shouts, "We're getting smaller!" Mega snaps back, "Well I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I didn't fucking know that whatever is in that cradle is making us smaller!" Nunu breaks them up, "Hey stop! Y'all both are dumb! Just back up from the cradle." Everyone backs up and they all return to normal size.

"Okay, so I'm assuming that the closer we get to this thing, the smaller we get." Mega assumed. "Can't you just stop time and pick up the thing?" Skye questioned. "I could, but we still don't know what's inside of the cradle." Before Mega can continue, Storm interupts. "Dude, I think its a baby." Everyone looks at him funny. "I'm sorry, excuse me?" "I think its a baby! What can cry and be in a cradle.....A FUCKING BABY!" Nunu jumps in and says, "Maybe if we can calm the baby down, it can retrieve its stand." "Okay, I understand that but who has experience on calming down a baby?" Mega said. "I can." Inki raised her hand, "I can try and calm down the baby." Storm jokingly said, "Ah hell nah, you can't even take care of yourself." Inki snapped back, "Shut up bitch, I got this. Mega I need you to stop time and carry me to the baby. Then I'll pick it up and try to calm it down." Mega silently agreed and proceeds to stop time, "Royal King Requiem, stop time!" Mega picks up Inki and puts her near the cradle. Mega looks into the cradle and Nunu was right, "It is a baby...a green one?" Mega picks up the baby and put it into Inki's arms. He backs away from Inki and resumes time. "Time has begun to move freely." Inki immediately tries to calm the baby down. Inki starts to hum a song that any baby could like. The Green Baby starts to calm down and stops crying. "Shhhhh, it'll be okay little one."

The gang gets closer to Inki and nothing happens to them. "Phew, good job Inki!" Mega congratulates Inki. Before long, the baby and the cradle disappears. "Wait what the fuck?!" A stand appears in front of Inki, ready to punch her, "Royal King: The World!" Mega stops time and barrages the stand, "Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora ORA!" Mega resumes time and the stand disappears. The gang sees a man walking with the sun behind him shouting, "I can't believe that worked!"

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