Chapter 20: It's finally over

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Mega and the rest of the crew wakes up in a plain of grass. They are all back at Cape Canaveral. "W-Wait, where's everyone?!" Mega says as he gets up. He looks around and then sees Storm, Nunu, and Inki lying near him. "Guys...guys, get up!" Storm was the first to wake up, then Nunu, and then finally Inki. "Ughhh, what happened?" Nunu asks. Storm then jumps on top of her and says, "YOU'RE ALIVE!" Nunu struggles at first, but then says, "Yes I am! Can you please get yo big behind off me!" Storm gets off and Mega and Inki laugh at them. Inki turns to see a group of people running towards them. It was Neo, Niy, Skye, and Shinexx. "Guys, we got more people coming!" Inki says. She then shouts, "Over here guys!" she waves her arms as high as possible to get their attention. They all came around and gave everyone a hug. The atmosphere was warming for the group. Mega then realized that they were missing a few people. "Hey, where is Hasumi, Rya, and Sora?"

Everyone looked around and shook their heads. "I don't know, I didn't see them when I woke up?" Neo said. "I didn't see any of them bitches either?" Niy said. Before anyone could say anything else, the group sees helicopters coming in and landing near them. The group questioned it at first, but it turned out to be the Speedwagon Foundation. "They're here, get the medical supplies." A member said. The group went with the Speedwagon Foundation and got treated on the plains. As Mega was sitting in a helicopter, a mysterious shadow summoned right beside him. Mega looked and got startled for a minute. "Don't worry, its me...your stand." Mega jumps back a bit further and says, "Wait, you can talk?" The shadow says, "Yes, you must know I'm in a unknown state. You won't be able to call me." Mega says, "Wait what?" Before the stand could say anything else, it disappears as someone was coming in to greet Mega. "You must be Mega, the leader of the group." Mega stands up and says, "Yes I am, but who are you?"

The man chuckles and says, "My name is Jotaro Kujo, sorry to disturb you." Mega widen his eyes in shocked to see a Joestar right in front of him. "So...why are you here?" Jotaro tips his hat and says, "Good Grief, I'm here to give you an opportunity from the Speedwagon Foundation." Mega puts his hands in his pocket and says, "You have my full attention." Mega said. "Look, the arrow that you posses needs to go back to its original owner." Jotaro hands him a small piece of paper, "That's where you need to go. He'll meet you there." Mega smiles and says, "Thank you, Mr. Kujo." Jotaro tips his hat and says, "Good Grief, well good luck and take care." He walks away and goes about his business.

A few hours later

The crew are now back at the Spring Garden paying their respect for the deaths of Hasumi, Rya, and Sora.

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