Chapter 3: What happened?

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Midnight Train goes and barrage punches the stand and made it drop it's DISCs. Mega faints onto the ground while the stand scurries to the DISCs. Then, NinjaWay goes and throws it's kunai at the stand. The stand gets hurt and decides to run away through a wall. Storm and Neo pulls back their stand and runs towards Mega. On Mega's right eye, it had TGΔ on it and the other still visible. Neo slightly pushes Storm out the way and smacks Mega. "Mega, wake yo bitch ass up." He smacks him again, "WAKE UP BITCH!" While Neo is smacking Mega, Storm looks around and sees the two DISCs on the ground. Storm picks them up and says, "Neo, look at these." Neo stands besides Storm and looks at the DISCs. "Isn't that his stand?" He looks at the other DISC, "And are those his memories?" Storm looks at the DISCs and then looks at Mega. He looks at the DISCs again, then looks at Mega. "Maybe if we put these into those slots in his head, it should wake him up." "It's worth a shot." says Neo. Storm walks over and sticks the two DISCs into Mega's head. The DISCs unhesitatingly went into Mega's head like a DVD player. The TGΔ on his right eye goes back to a normal human eye and Mega starts to blink. " the actual fuck just happened?"

Storm responds with, "You got attacked by a stand that knocked you out in one swipe. Also, DISCs came out of your head." Mega starts to wonder if Storm was okay. "What Storm? Are you okay?" Neo defends Storm saying, "Yes, there was a stand that was here and swiped DISCs out of you. Do you remember?" Mega responds with, "No, I don't. However, I did hear someone whisper in my ear." Mega then starts to realize they're telling the truth. "Oh shit....that was the stand wasn't it?" Neo angrily says, "Yes, like goddamn you dumb as hell!" Mega starts to get up and says, "Lets just get back into the car and meet up with Hasumi and the rest of them." Storm pauses and says, "Nigga who?" Mega nervously says, "O-Oh nothing. I said, lets just get back into the car and uh..uhhh get some Sashimi. Y-yeah, Sashimi." They leave the church with the Requiem Arrow and start heading off to the base the Speedwagon Foundation gave them. However, someone is watching them leave. "I failed to grab the DISCs because of Neo's stand." A menacing person is walking towards the stand. "Don't worry Whitesnake, we just need to find the Diary in that church. We have someone who can fix things good as new." They both head off to the church to find the damaged Diary.

Mega, Storm, and Neo made it back to the Spring Garden the Foundation provided. Everyone else was inside waiting for them to come back. "Aye yo, the main niggas are here!" Storm shouted in excitement. "AYE!" Everyone cheered. Everyone went to each other and shared their hugs. They were glad that the crew made it back safely. "I'm glad yo big ole self kept you safe" Nunu teased. "You're very funny Nunu" Storm replied. "Alright everyone, let's group up. I have some important news." Mega announced. Everyone gathered to the center of the room and Mega was in the middle. "So, as you may know, our mission to get the Diary was a failure. However, we brought back the Requiem arrow. To take note on why I burned the Diary is because it contains info about unlocking a power known as Heaven" Mega continues to explain what happen in the church. "Also, we were under attack by a mysterious stand that according to Storm and Neo's witness, can extract stands and memories. We need to be the spectators on figuring out who controls the stand and what do they want." Everyone started to have side conversations about the news they heard.

Mega leaves the room and calls the Speedwagon Foundation about the mission. As minding her business, Hasumi went to go and grab the mail. She sees one of them are from the Foundation and proceeds to open the letter. She reads that someone is going to join their group. Hasumi, with excitement rushes towards Mega and lets him know about who's coming. "So, as you were on the phone, I went to go and check the mail." She then hands Mega the letter, "Someone is coming and we need to pick them up." Mega reads over the letter and looks a bit overwhelmed. "Are you okay?" Hasumi asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Its just we might encounter that one stand." Mega responds. "It'll be fine don't worry. I'll give Storm the news and get the car ready. Okay?" Mega nods and she goes back into the room to talk to Storm. Mega walks outside to take a breather and starts to think to himself, "I really don't want to face another stand user, especially that one that they mentioned. However as fates puts things, I'm definitely going to have to encounter one." Mega starts to shake his head, "Good fucking grief."

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