Nurture Nature For A Better Future

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In the hospital once, I saw an old man getting discharged. When the bill was handed to him, the old man broke down in tears. Seeing his plight, the hospital staff tried to console him. They assured him that the hospital will cover the charges incase he can't. 

To that, the old man responded, "I have money! I am in tears because I have to pay for the oxygen that I used. A commodity that has been available for free was taken for granted. And today, I understand it's worth more than ever when it came to my survival."

How many times have we taken nature for granted? The trees, rivers, clean air, etc. If we don't care for Mother Earth, generations after us won't enjoy what we got. Before it's too late as species, we should take corrective measures. 

Nature is precious and as humans, we should do all it takes to preserve it. If nature ceases to exist, all life form will. We should not take this to a point that we realize it's worth when it comes to survival. It might be too late. Our deepest roots are in nature. No matter who we are, where we live or what life we lead, we all remain linked to the rest of creation.

-By @BeingLively

-Edited by @imaginationxfantasy

-Edited by @imaginationxfantasy

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