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An old man was sitting in his balcony, sipping a cup of tea while staring at the rising sun. His mind wandered off to his past and took a walk down to the Memory Lane. He was born in a middle class family. Always have seen his parents struggling to make ends meet.

He has decided at a very young age that he will do everything to live a better life than his parents. He studied hard, never let his focus waver from his goals. got good marks and a degree of engineering in his hands. When he got the offer of a job in an another country, he agreed without giving it a second thought. Because he thought that he could earn more money there and would be able to provide his parents a better life. He worked hard to reach at a higher level at his office. Earn more and more money. He thought his parents would be happy with the money he sent them. 

But he never found his mother's voice filled with happiness, whenever he talked to her on the phone. Time went flying, he got married and had two kids. He didn't get the chance to visit his parents since his marriage. His parents watched his kids grow up through pictures and Video calls with longing eyes. 

 His mother passed away waiting for him on her death bed for whole two months. He went home to her funeral but couldn't stay long to console his father. He has to come back to his job, leaving his heart behind at Home. His father never looked happy to him ever again. He wanted to come back and spend some time with him and he did come back....... But only on his father's funeral. His kids become adults, finished their studies and got their jobs as well. His wife died in a accident. And he came back to his motherland, after he got retired from his job. Now he lives in the house he bought for his parents, Alone.... 

 He came back to the present time from his past memories. Wondering if his decision to go live and earn money in another country was right or not ??

Did he get a better life than his parents ?? He never was there for them in their happy and sad moments. They never get the chance to play with their grandchildren, and even died waiting for them. His kids never learned the value of their homeland. 

They didn't want to settle down here, near him. His wife took her last breath in a stranger country. Now he is here without any friends and family by his side and some day he will die alone, waiting for his kids like his parents. He understands now that for living a happy life you don't need more money, but you need the satisfaction of being close to your loved ones. But right now he is left with only..... MEMORIES.

-By @Charu_wondering

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