Never Give Up

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 "Please let me die,mom!I can't tolerate this pain anymore... This therapy is painful.It is making my situation worse..Mom, I can't take it anymore.. Please let me die", cries Rosy.. Rosy is a 14 years old girl who is suffering from second stage stomach cancer..She has to receive chemotherapy regularly because of this and it makes her frustrated.. Because she thinks that it is making her situation worse..Rosy is crying from the pain in her whole body and her mother, Smriti is sitting beside her bed, holding her hand and ruffling her hair..

As a mother, she can't tolerate her daughter suffering from so much pain in this young age..Smriti tries hard not to cry and forces herself to keep a smile on her face.. Then she speaks," Rosy, you know that very well that you need this chemotherapy to get well soon..I know you are a smart girl and you also understand this process very well.Just stay strong.. Doctor has said that your condition is improving and soon you will be free from cancer.".

"Don't give me false hopes mom.Most of the people who suffers from cancer eventually die.I will die too,sooner or later..Mom, I don't wanna die..I wanna live and become a doctor." Smriti speaks,"Dear ,stay strong..Just for some months.. Doctor said after receiving some radiation therapy, you will be fine.And who said you will die?? Don't say these types of things ,Rosy.. Don't you care for your mom's feelings?? Don't say these types of things! You will be fine!!"Smriti tears up now.She can't hold her tears anymore...

She kisses Rosy's forehead and wipes her own tears..In a meantime, they hear the sounds of footsteps..Smriti looks back and notices that Dr.Edward is coming..As soon as Dr.Edward comes, both of them greet him.. Doctor looks at Rosy and comes near her side..

 Dr Edward :Why are you crying,dear? 

Rosy: I can't tolerate this anymore!l want to die...

Dr Edward: I can understand that this treatment is painful.But remember, this treatment will help you to get well.

Rosy: What's the use of this treatment?? Look at me!My once beautiful hair is gone, my eyebrows are gone, my skin is pale.I am already looking like a corpse. Plus, I will eventually die.Sooner or later..Who survives cancer??A few people survives.

Dr. Edward ruffles her hair..

 Dr.Edward:Rosy... You know what, you are a warrior..And these things which you are complaining are not permanent..As soon as this chemo session will end, your beautiful hair will come back again.. Plus, you have already gone through some chemo sessions and look at you, you are improving faster than any other patients..You just need a few chemo and radiation session and then, you will be free from cancer..

Rosy:What if I die before receiving those sessions??

Dr.Edward: Listen Rosy, you should keep your mind strong.. Don't think about negative things.Always stay positive and believe that you will be fine and you will be able to get well.Have faith in yourself! And yes, it's true that many people can't survive this disease, but remember there are people who survives it! Believe that you will be one of those people who survived this disease.. You should try your best to take care of yourself and I'll try my best to make you hale and hearty again,just like before..Never lose hope! You are not a coward, you are brave.Never give up!!

Dr.Edward smiles and Rosy also smiles back!


After some years: 

A teenager boy is crying in his room, his parents are also crying and trying to soothe him....The boy screams,"Mom,dad it hurts.. This chemo is painful..I will die!!!! can't tolerate this!!"

Then suddenly they hear a female voice saying, "Who said you will die? Believe in yourself and think that everything will be fine!"

Then everyone looks back and notice a female doctor smiling..All of them greet her and she also greets them back.. Then the doctor comes near the boy and starts caressing his cheeks...

The boy:Dr.Rosy.....

Rosy: Rohan, I can understand that this treatment is painful..But never think that you won't be able to make it.. You should fight with all you have..

Rohan:But most of the people die.. 

Rosy: Rohan,you know what, when I was in your age, I also had cancer and I also used to think like you..But then my doctor taught me to stay strong and fight with all I have..He told me to stay away from negativity and focus on the treatment process..I will say the same to you..We are trying our best so that you can get well soon and you are also so strong!!You have improved so much!! Just stay strong and take care of yourself..We are also taking care of yourself.. Have faith that everything will be fine!Never give up!!!

Rohan:You also had cancer??? Rosy:Yes, I had..But I am lucky that I didn't give up and continued receiving treatments. So, what's your choice now??

Rohan: I'll never give up! 

Rosy smiles at him and then repeats again with him,"Never give up!!! Fighting!!"

-By @sreeja95

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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