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Boys are always taught to be strong and tuff in front of the world, they are not allowed to cry, not allowed to show any fear, not allowed to express their emotions to the fullest because they are BOYS! A boy was walking in his school's corridor going towards his class, he was not paying attention to the floor and as a result he tripped over a bottle cap and fell down.

 The children around began to laugh, his knee was bleeding and so he began to cry "Oh! Look at this boy crying like a girl" a boy shouted "Even girls don't cry like this" another boy teased A girl looked at the situation and helped the boy. She walked him to the medical room "If crying was not enough, he is being helped by a girl" a boy teased "Shame shame you are not a real man" another boy shouted.

  A man was working on his laptop, when his three year old daughter came to him screaming and crying "What happened?" He asked "The..there is something in my room" the girl said sobbing "What is it?" Come with me" the man said and took her to the room "Where is it?" He asked The girl pointed towards the wall, there was a lizard "Sushmita!" The man yelled to his wife "What?" She asked "There is a lizard here, just get it out" the man said "Being a man, you are scared of a lizard" his wife said She brought the room and threw the lizard out "Done, this was not expected. Men are the shield of the house, and see this man scared of a lizard" his wife said laughing and left

Boys do have emotions and they should be allowed to express them, crying doesn't mean he us weak. Being scared of a lizard doesn't mean he can't protect you Yes, we do talk about equality but do we actually accept it? We have started to accept that women can work too. That every women dosen't need a man. But are we accepting sensitive boys? Do we accept that there are boys who are scared of insects? Do we accept and allow boys to show emotions? Do we accept them? Are we really showing equality? Just think are we?.....

-By @imaginationxfantasy

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