I Am Worth It

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She was stunned by her father's words.... MARRIAGE!!!!!! "A girl like you is only a worth if she stays in the kitchen and do the household chores " But.... That was the last thing on her mind right now, she wants to study, she wants to make a name and place for herself in the society, she wants to prove to her family that she is worth for their Love, their attention and their praises too. 

But she knows deep inside that her family is not going to understand her nor they are willing to give her a chance. They never did, she was worthless for them, only a liability that they want to get rid off, as soon as possible. Does she have a choice now!!?? Yes!!!!! Is she brave enough to take it??? ......... 

 She walked out of her room with a small bag in her hands and a determined look in her eyes. Her father looked at her "What is this?? Where are you going at this time ?? " "I am going to shift into my college's girls hostel " "What!!??? " "I am not ready to marry...... Not yet" "I am not spending a single penny on your college fees nor your hostel deposit " 

"When you did Dad!!?? All I remember that I have always been a scholarship student, you never paid for my studies. I will take care of hostel deposit on my own, I have a part time job at a book store near my college"

 Her dad was speechless, one thing because she was right and the other thing that it was the first time she was standing up for herself. She smiled at her parents and walked out of the house, confidently. She knows her worth and now she is going to show it.

-By @Charu_wondering

-Edited by @imaginationxfantasy

-Edited by @imaginationxfantasy

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